Full Library / Result / Plotter / RealTimePlotter
Block Name: RealTimePlotter
- public class RealTimePlotter
- extends Plotter
- This
plotter plots input data as a function of elapsed real time in seconds.
Elapsed time is set to zero when the initialize() method is invoked.
The resolution of time depends on the implementation of the Java
virtual machine, but with Sun's JDK 1.3 under Windows 2000, it is 10
This plotter contains an instance of the Plot class from the VisualSim plot package as a public member.
public TypedIOPort input
- Input port, which has type DoubleToken.
private long _startTime
- This (Checkbox) determines whether to fill the plot when wrapup is invoked
- The legend is a comma separated list of
labels to attach to each dataset. The number of elements in this list
should equal the number of input channels, although this is not
enforced. The type is string.
- The index number of the first dataset to start the display. All datasets with number prior to this are not displayed.
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