Full Library / Result / Plotter / MatrixViewer
Block Name: MatrixViewer
- public class MatrixViewer
- extends Sink
- implements Placeable
- An actor that displays the contents of a matrix input. This actor has a single input port, which only accepts MatrixTokens. One token is consumed per firing (in postfire()). The data in the MatrixToken is displayed in a table format with scrollbars, using the swing JTable class.
public Parameter width
- The width of the table in pixels. This must contain an integer. If the table is larger than this specified width, then scrollbars will appear, or the column width is adjusted. The default value is 500.
public Parameter height
- The height of the table in pixels. This must contain an integer. If the table is larger than this specified width, then scrollbars will appear. The default value is 300.
private Container _container
- Container with the display, if any.
private TokenEffigy _effigy
- The effigy for the token data.
private DisplayWindow _frame
- The frame, if one is used.
private MatrixPane _pane
- Pane with the matrix display.
protected SizeAttribute _paneSize
- A specification of the size of the pane if it's in its own window.
private TokenTableau _tableau
- The tableau with the display, if any.
private int _width
- Width of the matrix viewer in pixels.
private WindowPropertiesAttribute _windowProperties
- A specification for the window properties of the frame.
private int _height
- Height of the matrix viewer in pixels.
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