Full Library / Result / Plotter / SequencePlotter
Block Name: SequencePlotter
- public class SequencePlotter
- extends Plotter
- implements SequenceActor
- A
sequence plotter. This plotter contains an instance of the Plot class
from the VisualSim plot package as a public member. Data at the input,
which can consist of any number of channels, are plotted on this
instance. Each channel is plotted as a separate data set. The
horizontal axis represents the count of the iterations, scaled by the xUnit parameter. The horizontal increment between samples is given by the xUnit parameter. Its default value is 1.0. The horizontal value of the first sample is given by the xInit parameter. Its default value is 0.0. The input is of type DoubleToken.
public TypedIOPort input
- Input port, which has type DoubleToken.
- This (Checkbox) determines whether to fill the plot when wrapup is invoked
- The legend is a comma separated list of
labels to attach to each dataset. The number of elements in this list
should equal the number of input channels, although this is not
enforced. The type is string.
- The index number of the first dataset to start the display. All datasets with number prior to this are not displayed.
public Parameter xUnit
- The increment of the X axis.
public Parameter xInit
- The start point of the X axis.
protected double _xValue
protected double _xInit
- Start of the X axis counter.
protected double _xUnit
- Increment of the X axis counter.
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