VisualSim Block Documentation


Mirabilis Design is a leading provider of System-Level Architecture Exploration software for designing electronics and real-time software. Using VisualSim, designers can architect the “right” product, i.e. one which minimizes product failures and has not been over- or under- designed.

Mirabilis Design accelerates Concept Engineering by drastically reducing typical model development from months to days and overall project time by 25-30%. VisualSim enables users to design, analyze and validate new system level concepts; and generate a matching system specification. VisualSim is used for performance, functional and power exploration of network of systems, large systems, subsystems, components (IC, SoC, FPGA and boards) and real-time software. Benefits from the solution are a visual executable specification; easier creation of optimized and differentiated products and; corporate infrastructure enabling extremely fast design trade-offs for price, performance and power.

Model constructed in VisualSim can help you make better design specification decisions. Evaluations of system specification using VisualSim performance, power and architectural models can help eliminate clearly inferior choices, point out major problem areas, and evaluate a variety of cost, performance and partitioning trade-offs. Simulation is cheaper and faster than building hardware prototypes and can also help with software development, debugging, testing, documentation, and maintenance. Furthermore, early partnership with customers using visual prototypes improves feedback on design decisions, reducing time to market and increasing the likelihood of product success.

This document will provide information on the list of modeling libraries available in VisualSim.This also help in understanding how to select a library block while constructing simulation models of a proposed system architecture.