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Cycle_Accurate_Processor / MoP
Block Name: MoP

Code File Location: VisualSim/actor/arch/Processor_Blocks


This blocks is used to emulate the hardware and software part of MoP cache in the processor architecture model. Hardware blocks such as input buffers, cache hit/miss and processing are implemented using the script code. Similarly the software parts such as replacement, flow control and branch flushes are implemented in the script code.

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Image not found in local directory


MoP Cache holds the Macro op as the instructions gets decoded in the pipeline. MoP enables reduction in pipeline latency by bypassing the decode stage and forward the Macro instructions to rername stage.

The following is the sequence of operation:

MoP Update:

    1. The decoded instructions will be loaded to the input queue and the entries are updated in the cache

    2. If thre is an overflow or the cache is full, the least used instructions will be removed and the new instructions will be loaded in.

MoP access:

    1. Set of addresses will be loaded in the queue.

    2. If the addresses are hit then the MoPs will be read and issued to MUX block, else the miss response will be sent to fetch unit.

    3. If there is branch flush then the current processing and the queue contents will be discarded.

Data Structure Fields

BPU unit issues the standard "Processor_DS" data structure.

"A_Address", "A_Instruction_Addr", "A_Destinaton" is the necessary input field.

Parameter Explanation Type  Example 
MOP_Name This is a unique name of this block. No other Architecture, Virtual_Machine, Scheduler or Smart_Resource can have this name in a model. The memory name is used to identify this destination. String "Core_1_MoP"
Core_Speed_Mhz Speed of the processor core in Mhz. Double 1200.0
MOP_Entries MoP cache size as number of entries
Integer 1500
Input_Buffer_Size size of the input queue
Instr_Feed_DB_Name Database name which contains the disassembly trace
Arm_Mode determines the instruction size
Boolean true
/*true - arm mode, false - thumb model*/
Width_Bytes cache access width bytes
Integer 16
Power_Manager_Name Name of the power table, this will enable the power observation of this block with required configuration in power table.
"none" will diable the power feature
String "Manager_1"
Used for internal debugging Boolean

Port Explanation
This port connects this block to the Fetch stage or the next stage intermediate blocks. This port is on the left side of he block(West).
Frm_Fetch This port connects this block with the Fetch stage or the next stage intermediate blocks. This port is on the left side of he block(West).
Frm_Commit This port connects this block with the Commit stage. This port is on the bottom side of he block(South).
This port connects this block with the Decode stage. This port is on the bottom side of he block(South).