Code File Location: VisualSim/actor/arch/Processor_Blocks
blocks is used to emulate the hardware and software part of decode unit
in the processor architecture model. Hardware blocks such as Decode
queue, N way instruction decoding and branch flushing
are implemented
using the script code. Similarly the software parts such
as Unconditioanl branch identification and address calculations are
in the script code.
Decode block runs in parallel with
all other blocks to enable pipelined operation in the architecture.
The following is the sequence of operation:
Instruction decoding:
1. Set of instructions fetched from the I cache will be loaded to Decode queue.
2. When the decoder is available the instructions will be taken from the deocde queue and processed.
3. if the instuctioin is unconditioanl branch
- Target address will be calculated or refered from the compiled argument
- The next address in the fetched sequence will be verified against the Target address.
- If it is not correct then the
branch flush will be initiated, and the instructions upto the branch
will be forwarded to next stage.
- If it is correct then entire decoded instructions will be forwarded to next stage.
4. if there is no unconditional branch then the entire decoded instructions will be forwarded to next stage.
Branch Flush:
1. A hard flush (branch penality) will be issed to BPU unit, Fetch unit, Mop unit and the Mux unit.
2. BPU will generate targeted sequence on misprediction.
3. Fetch unit and Mop unit will discard the current processing and its queue contents
4. MUX will discard the previously loaded instructions from MoP cache if any.
BPU unit issues the standard "Processor_DS" data structure.
"A_Address", "A_Instruction ", "A_Instruction_Addr" and "Operands" are the necessary fields.
Parameter |
Explanation | Type |
Example |
Decode_Unit_Name | This is a unique name of this block. No other Architecture, Virtual_Machine, Scheduler or Smart_Resource can have this name in a model. The memory name is used to identify this destination. | String | "Core_1_Decode" |
Core_Speed_Mhz | Speed of the processor core in Mhz. | Double | 1200.0 |
N_Way_Decode | Number of decode ways |
Integer | 4 |
Decode_Queue_Size | Size of the decode queue |
Integer |
32 |
Decode_Queue_Name | Name of the decode queue |
String |
"Core_1_Decode_Q" |
Power_Manager_Name | Name of the power table, this will enable the power observation of this block with required configuration in power table. "none" will diable the power feature |
String | "Manager_1" |
Debug_Enable | Used for internal debugging |
Boolean |
false |
Port | Explanation |
Decode_inp |
port connects this block to the Fetch stage. |
to_Fetch | This port connects this block to the Fetch stage. |
Frm_MUX | This port connects this block to the MUX block or Rename block. |
to_MUX |
This port connects this block to the MUX block or Rename block. |
to_Branch |
This port connects this block to the Branch prediction stage. |