On each firing, this actor reads at most one token from the input port and output the payload on the payload port and the properties on the properties port. If there are no properties, then output a token only on the payload port.
NOTE: The type of the properties port is inferred from the defaultProperties field of the channel at preinitialize() time. If the channel is changed during execution, or this field is changed, then the type of the port will not be updated, and a run-time type error could occur. Thus, this actor assumes that these types do not change. If the channel has no default properties (as in the base class AtomicWirelessChannel), then the type of the properties port will be undefined. If it is left disconnected, then this is fine, but if it is connected, then its type will need to be declared explicitly.
public VisualSim.actor.TypedIOPort payload
public VisualSim.simulators.wireless.kernel.WirelessIOPort input
public VisualSim.data.expr.StringParameter inputChannelName
public VisualSim.actor.TypedIOPort properties
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