CollisionDetector - It models a typical physical layer front end of a wireless receiver.
GetProperties - It is used to extract the received properties, which will include the received power and the message duration.
GraphicalLocator - This class is an extension of the Locator actor that adds an outputRange parameter and an icon that is a circle with a radius defined by the value of this parameter.
Locator - This is a wireless sensor node that reacts to an input event by transmitting an output with the current location of this node and the time of the input.
NodeRandomizer - This actor, when fired, randomizes the locations of all actors in the same container that contain an attribute named "randomize" with value true.
TerrainProperty - This actor implements the PropertyTransformer interface. It register itself with the wireless channel specified by the channelName parameter. The channel may call it getProperty() method to get the property.
TransmitPropertyTransformer - This actor reads input tokens and sends them unmodified to the output; its role is not to operate on input tokens, but rather to modify the properties of a transmission.
Triangulator - The given inputs that represent the location of a sensor and the time at which those sensors detect an event, this actor outputs the location of the source of the event. It uses the specified signalPropagationSpeed and triangulates.
Wireless Hierarchical - This is a composite actor for use in the wireless domain. Unlike the base class, this composite creates instances of WirelessIOPort (vs. TypedIOPort) when newPort() is called. Thus, when ports are added to the composite, there will be instances of WirelessIOPort.
WiredToWireless - On each firing, this actor reads at most one token from the payload and properties input ports, and outputs the payload on the wireless output port with the specified transmit properties. If there are no properties, then the output is sent without properties.
WirelessToWired - On each firing, this actor reads at most one token from the input port and output the payload on the payload port and the properties on the properties port. If there are no properties, then output a token only on the payload port.
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