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Mappers / Trace_Mapper

Block Name: Trace_Mapper

Code File Location: VisualSim/actor/lib/Trace_Mapper

Block Overview

   o  This block enables the mapping of Software Traces to Hybrid Processor.



This block reads the parsed GEM5 output file (*.csv) as a parameter. This csv contains the I_Cache addresses, Instruction sequences and D_Cache addresses. When an input data structure comes in, along with the input data structure, Trace_Mapper sets the required fields (A_Instruction , A_I_Addr and A_D_Addr) and send the request to the processor. This is done for each line in the csv. When one line completes execution from the processor, the Processor returns the data structure back to the Trace_Mapper. Once the data structure returns, Trace_Mapper reads the next line and sets the required fields and send it to the Processor. This process repeats until the End Of File is reached. When the End Of File is reached, the Trace_Mapper sends the data structure on the output port. 

Parameter Explanation Type Example
fileOrURL This parameter is used to read the input csv file which contains the executed instruction traces, I_Cache_Address and D_Cache_Address.
This csv file ( which is to be linked to this parameter) is obtained by parsing the GEM5 output file using the python parser provided by VisualSim Architect.
String "./dhrystone_a77_2k.csv"
Target_Processor Used to specify the Name of the Processor to which the traces will be sent for execution String or Field
"ARM_Cortex_A77" or input.A_Destination (field name of user's choice)
Debug_Mode If this parameter is set to be true, then debug statements will be printed out on the commandline.
Booelan true
Following screenshot shows the type of information that will be printed out in the commandline:

Port Explanation
input The input port.
output The output port.