Full Library / Source / Event / Time_Select
Block Name: Time_Select
- public class Time_Select
- extends TypedAtomicActor
- Produce an double type output token on each firing with a value based on the Time_Type attribute setting. The time type attribute: TNow (Current Time), TLast (TNow for the previous data structure that triggered the block), TDelta (Tnow - TLast), TStop (Stop Time), TReal (Current Time in Wallclock equivalent), TRealLast (TReal for the previous data structure that triggered the block), TRealDelta (TReal - TRealLast).
- Version:
- 1.01, 1 Oct 2002
public StringAttribute Time_Type
- The relative time type attribute: TNow, TLast (last TNow), TDelta (Tnow - last TNow), TStop (Sim Stop time), TReal (Wallclock Time), TRealLast (Last Wallclock Time), TRealDelta (Wallclock Time - last Wallclock Time).
public TypedIOPort input
- The data structure input port.
public TypedIOPort output
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