Full Library / Source / Event / SingleEvent
Block Name: SingleEvent
Code File Location: VisualSim/simulators/de/lib/SingleEvent
This block produces an event with the specified value at the specified time.
Refer SingleEvent Demo Model.
Parameter |
Explanation |
Type |
Example |
time |
The time at which to produce the output. This has type double, with default value 0.0. If the value is negative, then no output will be produced. This can be a parameter, scalar value or Expression. |
Integer |
0.0 |
value |
The value produced at the output. This can have any type, and it defaults to a boolean token with value true. |
Boolean |
true |
Port |
Explanation |
Type |
Output |
The output port. The type of this port is linked to the type of the value parameter. |
Unknown |
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