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Creating a Coldfire Processor Model

We are using the Coldfire Processor MCF5307.  The two documents that we are using are:

We know some basic facts by looking at the block diagram:

For the list of blocks in the Processor, we refer to the Block Diagram in Figure 1-1 of Document 1.

We see the Processor core, 8 Kb cache, 4 kb SRAM, Local Memory Bus that connects to the DRAM controller, DMA, and the I2C.  It also shows 16 registers and the pipeline.

Blocks to bring into the Editor

  1. Digital - This is the simulator block that manages the simulation, model debugging, and the Stop Time.
  2. Architecture_Setup - Required block for all architecture work. This block maintains the connectivity between blocks, statistics and debugging information.  This block requires no input.  The statistics can be generated for this block by connecting a Text_Display to the second and third output port.  The top port is used to plot the list of statistics in “List of Statistics to plot” parameter of the block. This is linked to each of the hardware blocks via the name.  Delete the entire content of the Routing_Table field. These are automatically generated by the Model.
  3. Processor block - This is the core of the processor and contains the first level (sometimes second level cache, if available), pipeline, Execution Units, and the instruction queue.
  4. Instruction_Set - Overhead block that is not connected to any other block. This block maintains the list of instructions for each execution unit and the associated execution time.  These are the number of cycles and is used by the pipeline to know how much to delay the instruction.
  5. Linear Bus and Linear Port - This is to add the local memory bus.  Notice that there is a 4 buffer storage from the processor core to these devices. Modify the FIFO_Buffer size in the Linear_Port to 4.  Set the Bus names in both the Controller and Port to Memory_Bus.  The Bus speed is the baseline setting for all the other clocks. “The processor complex frequency is an integer multiple, 2 to 4 times, of the external bus frequency.”
  6. Note: For this tutorial training, we are only going to add the DRAM, the DMA, and the AVB Ethernet interface.  Add at least two Linear_Port blocks to the model. Note that each port has a unique name.
  7. DRAM - Add the DRAM block to the right side Linear_Port.  We assume a large DRAM with a 32 bits or 4 byte wide at the bus clock speed.
  8. DMA - Add the DMA to the left side of the Linear_Port. Also add the DMADatabase block.  This block maintains the association of each channel to a Task. There is no input or output to this block.  For the purpose of this experiment connect the left side to the Processor block directly.  We assume that the processor makes the data access request. The Linking_Table_Name must match the DMA Database Name in the DMA block.  The DMA has 4 channels.  The Speed is same as the Bus. The DMA width is the same as the Bus and is 4 bytes.  There is a 2 cycle internal access time and is entered in the DMA_to_Device and Device_to_DMA.
  9. SRAM - Create two ports (one input and one output) for the Processor core and put them on top of the Processor.  Add a DRAM block.  The setting of the DRAM block to SDR makes this block behave as a SRAM.  For the purpose of this example, this SRAM is not being used. It could be used to store certain data and this can be modeled as an advanced feature of the Pipeline. The SRAM is 1024*32 bits with size of 4 KB. The clock speed is the same as the core. There is one cycle read and write access.  There is controller overhead.  The local buffer at the SRAM is 1. As this is a SRAM, we add the Refresh parameter to turn off the Refresh. It is 32-bit and we set the width to 4 bytes. As this is a SRAM, we need the Access_Time for the Read and Write only.  The document states - “Single-cycle throughput”.  The Access_Time is in ns.  Hence we set it to Read 1000.0/Memory_Speed_Mhz, Write 1000.0/Memory_Speed_Mhz. 
  10. Cache- List an I_1 cache internal to the Processor core. For this Cache Miss, we send the request via the External Memory Bus to the DRAM.  Notice the configuration of the Cache inside the Processor block. Both Instruction fetch and data access are done to this Cache block.  The document lists the following information for the “The MCF5307 processor contains a nonblocking, 8-Kbyte, 4-way set-associative, unified (instruction and data) cache with a 16-byte line size.” We use this to update the parameters.  The speed is the same as the Processor core.  The size is 8 KB and the Words per Cache Line = 16*8/32 (16 Bytes * 8 bits/ 32 bits)=4.  The next level memory is the external DRAM.
  11. To get started, we shall use the Soft_Gen. Later we will add the AVB_Node block.

For more pipeline details, look at Figure 2-1 of Document 2.

Let us start with the pipeline.

We have 2 pipelines.  The first gets the instructions and the second gets the data, executes the instructions, and writes the data back to the Cache. The instruction and data accesses in the pipeline use the same I1 cache.

Pipeline 1.

  1. We shall create a single cycle for the generate address. 
  2. Instruction fetch.
  3. Wait for Instruction return.
  4. Decode.

Instruction Queue or Bypass: There is a queue between the two stages.  This queue can be bypassed if the second pipeline is available.  We make an assumption here.  We have 8 additional stages between the two pipelines.  Each stage behaves as an instruction queue position.  There is a small error at startup of 7 extra cycles. After this the pipeline is always accurate. 


Pipeline 2.

  1. Data Fetch 
  2. Execute
  3. Write back to cache



Stage_Name   Execution_Location  Action  Condition ;

1_Address          none             exec                    none      ;

2_FETCH              I_1                 instr                       none      ;

3_FETCH_RET    I_1                  wait                      none      ;

4_DECODE         I_1                 wait                        none      ;

5_Q1                     none              exec                    none      ;

6_Q2                     none              exec                    none      ;

7_Q3                     none              exec                    none      ;

8_Q4                     none              exec                    none      ;

9_Q5                     none              exec                    none      ;

10_Q6                   none              exec                    none      ;

11_Q7                   none              exec                    none      ;

12_Q8                   none              exec                    none      ;

13_DFETCH           I_1                read                     none      ;

14_EXECUTE         I_1                wait                     none      ;

14_EXECUTE         UNIT             exec                     none      ;

15_STORE             UNIT             wait                      none      ;

15_STORE             I_1                write                     none      ;


Notice that we have a Wait for Return for Instruction, data, and execution.  We do not have a wait for the Store because this must not affect the pipeline.  The stages 5-12 provide the instruction buffer.  There is one cycle delay between them.  Hence we get the initial error of 8 extra cycles.


Configuring the Processor:

Clock Speed - Multiple of the Bus Speed

Context Switching - This is variable and can be used to improve the accuracy.

Execution Unit - 4

Stages of the pipeline = 15 from above

Number of caches - 1

Number of Registers= 16+32= 16 User Registers and 32 Unallocated Registers. We do not include the Supervisory Registers.

Instruction Set Name; ColdfireInstr

Processor_Bits is the width and it is 32 bit.


DMADatabase Configuration

For this example, we have simply assumed two Tasks that will execute on the Processor.  Also the instruction names are simply Load and Store.  All the Load and Store are done to the external DRAM only.  This is defined in the Coldfire document.  The data size is assumed.  The burst size matches the Bus. The DMA has 4 channels.  Each of the types are assigned to a separate channel.


Instruction Set

The basic execution of the Coldfire contains the standard arithmetic, logical, branch, and move operations.  In addition, there are the three Execution Units- Multiply/Accumulate Unit (MAC), Integer Divide Module (IDM), and Floating Point Unit (FPU).  MAC is a Floating Point while IDM is an Integer Unit.  Hence, the setting in the Processor is for three Floating Point and one Integer Execution Unit.


We have a common name for these modules called UNIT.  We associate the UNIT with the FP_1 (standard unit), FP_3 (MAC), FP_2 (FPU), and INT_1 (IDM).

STD: All standard instructions have timing information in the Table.

FPU: We have implemented FPU in this version.  The user can select whether to include them in the code or not.

MAC: The list of instructions are in Table 3-1 and the timing information are in Tables 3-2 and 3-3.  We have modified some of the names so that they are concise.

IDM: DIVS and DIVU.  As these have different timing based on the data type and we use the uniform distribution for the timing.


Operation and Data Stimulus

The incoming data from the camera, audio or other sensors are fed into this hardware unit that does all the Stream reservation and the Ethernet processing.  If the user wants to add additional load to each packet, simply add additional tasks in the Instruction_Mix_Table.

Why does the actual software code not impact the performance analysis?  Why is the percentage of instruction sufficient?

Ans: We have tried multiple experiments to prove this aspect.  We have three variations:

  1. Current model.
  2. Disconnect the DMA activity and generate transactions to the Processor.
  3. Modify the percentage of instruction of each type within a task.
  4. Modify the pipeline to be nine stages and eliminate the extra queuing items.


  1. You notice that the DMA has the greatest impact.  This drops the MIPS to 1.2.
  2. The combination of instructions in the code does have an impact and it ranges from 16-21.5 MIPS.
  3. Rearranging the pipeline does not have sufficient impact.