Full Library / Result / 3D Interactive Creator / AnimationSimulator
Block Name: AnimationSimulator
- public class GRDirector
- extends VisualSim.actor.sched.StaticSchedulingDirector
GR is a domain for displaying three-dimensional graphics in VisualSim II. GR is an untimed domain in where actors are connected in an acyclic directed graph. Actors are fired according to a simple topological sort of the graph. Nodes in the graph that have no descendants are assumed to be comsumers of data produced by the rest of the model.
The basic idea behind the GR domain is to arrange geometry and transform actors in a directed acyclic graph to represent the location and orientation of objects in a scene. This topology of connected GR actors form what is commonly called a scene graph in computer graphics literature. The GR director converts the GR scene graph into a Java3D representation for rendering on the computer screen.
public Parameter iterations
- A parameter representing the number of times that postfire() may be called before it returns false. If the value is less than or equal to zero, the execution will never return false in postfire(), and thus the execution continues indefinitely. This parameter must contain an IntToken. The default value is an IntToken with the value zero.
public Parameter iterationTimeLowerBound
- A parameter that indicates the time lower bound of each iteration. This parameter is useful for guaranteeing that each frame of an animation takes at least a certain amount of time before proceeding to the next frame. This parameter is measured in milliseconds. This parameter must contain an IntToken. The default value is an IntToken with value the 33, which corresponds roughly to 30 frames per second.
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