Full Library / Result / Plotter / TimedScope
Block Name: TimedScope
- public class TimedScope
- extends TimedPlotter
- A
signal plotter that plots in an oscilloscope style, meaning that the
horizontal axis is wrapped and that there is finite persistence. This
plotter contains an instance of the Plot class from the VisualSim plot
package as a public member. Data at the input, which can consist of any
number of channels, are plotted on this instance. Each channel is
plotted as a separate data set. The input is of type DoubleToken.
The horizontal axis represents time. The width parameter is a double that gives the width of the plot. The horizontal axis will be labeled from 0.0 to width. It defaults to 10.0.
If the persistence
parameter is positive, then it specifies the amount of time into the
past that points are shown. It also defaults to 10.0, so any point
older than 10.0 time units is erased and forgotten.
public Parameter width
- The width of the X axis (a double).
public Parameter persistence
- The amount of data displayed at any one time (a double). This has units of the X axis.
- This (Checkbox) determines whether to fill the plot when wrapup is invoked
- The legend is a comma separated list of
labels to attach to each dataset. The number of elements in this list
should equal the number of input channels, although this is not
enforced. The type is string.
- The index number of the first dataset to start the display. All datasets with number prior to this are not displayed.
If this option is enabled, the plot will be displayed during the simulation. This must be disabled during batch mode.
If this option is enabled , then the plot will be saved to the File_Name.
The block accepts a filename as a parameter. there
are a number of file path options available for this block. To see the
list, view the section on File Paths in Refernce Guide
document here/. the file name is a concatenation of any number of
individual strings and parameters, saparated by "+" .
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