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Interfaces and Buses / TimeTriggeredEthernet / TTE_Config
Block Name: TTE_Config

Code File Location: This is a Hierarchical Block and is provided for Convenience.

Detailed Description

This block contains examples of the required Tables, Setup blocks and the Memory_Init blocks for the TTE modeling environment.  The user can add this block to the model and modify the values of each Table.
The user can also add as many of the Traffic Table blocks and providing a unique name for each Traffic Table. 
1. Multicast_List is a Memory_Init block. This block contains all the information required for the MUlticast IGMP protocol.  The first row in this block has the name Multicast_List  Global  {List of Multicast}. The remaining rows contain the Destination Nodes list for each item in the Multicast list in Row 1.  For each Row, the format will be

ListName   global   {Node1, Node2}  ;

Each list name must be Multicast_+Number.  The number be a increasing sequence and no number must be left out.

2. Buffer_ClkSync is a Memory_Init block.  This contains a set of  required parameters for TTE. 

Name                        Type     Value      */
Percent_BW             global   0.75    Maximum allocation to Class A or B of the total bandwidth for that Type.
Max_Pkt_Bytes        global   1500    Maximum packet size
Max_Buffer_Pkts      global   256     Maximum number of buffers at each Node. Each buffer can hold one Data Structure or packet.
Grand_Master           global   "none"  Node Name of the Master for the Clock Sync.
Grand_Master_Rate  global   200.0E-03  Rate of Clk_Sync messages in the network

3. Traffic Table. This is the information for the Ethernet and TTE streams.

ID Identifier  Task_Source  Task_Destination  Mbps  Task_Size  Start_Time  Stop_Time  Protocol Type ;      
 1 "TT1"     Node_1       Node_5             2.0        128    10.0E-03        15.0     UDP    1  ;

ID: Increasing sequence number
Identifier: For Ethernet traffic, this field will be "Ethernet".  For Time Triggered (TTE)streams, this will be TT1/TT2/TT3... For Rate Constrained traffic it will be RC1/RC2/RC3..
Task_Source: Name of this Source Node.
Task_Destination: Name of the final destination or listener.
Mbps: Generation rate of this traffic stream
Task_Size: Packet data size. Does not include headers or tailers
Start_Time: Time in seconds after the start of the simulation
Stop_Time: Time in seconds after the start of the simulation
Protocol: UDP or TCP
Type: Type of Class. Can be 0 to 7.

4. Stream Table. This maintains the list of all the TTE streams with the associated Class and required bandwidth.

ID Mac_ID               Identifier  SR_Class  Mbps  ;  
 1 "a0:36:9f:0c:77:38"  "TT1"         A      2.0  ;

ID: Increaing sequence number
MAC_ID: Physical address of the Node
Identifier: Unique ID for each TTE stream.  This must match the Identifier in the Traffic Table.
SR_Class: Stream Reservation class of this TT stream- A or B.
Mbps: Requested bandwidth

5. Type_to_BW Table. This table has two formats.  It can have a single column with the title Mbps or a separate column for each Node and Bridge in the model.
Common format is:

ID Type  Mbps  ;
 0    0  25.0  ;
 1    1   0.0  ; 
 2    2   0.0  ; 
 3    3  40.0  ;
 4    4   0.0  ;
 5    5  25.0  ;
 6    6   0.0  ;
 7    7   0.0  ;

ID: Increasing sequence number starting from 1.
Type: Type of Class. The values are 0 to 7.
Mbps: Bandwidth allocation.  The sum of all the rows of this column must not exceed the total bandwidth of the links.

Full-format is:

ID Type  Node_1  Node_2  Node_3  Bridge_4  Node_5   ;
 0    0  25.0    25.0    25.0    25.0      25.0     ; /* Background                  */
 1    1   0.0     0.0     0.0     0.0      10.0     ; /* Best Effort                 */
 2    2   0.0     0.0     0.0     0.0       0.0     ; /* Excellent Effort            */
 3    3  40.0    40.0    40.0    40.0      40.0     ; /* Video  50ms latency         */
 4    4   0.0     0.0     0.0     0.0       0.0     ; /* Critical Apps               */
 5    5  25.0    25.0    25.0    20.0      25.0     ; /* Video   2ms latency         */
 6    6   0.0     0.0     0.0     0.0       0.0     ; /* Internet Control            */
 7    7   0.0     0.0     0.0     0.0       0.0     ; /* Network Control, highest    */

ID: Increasing sequence number starting from 1.
Type: Type of Class. The values are 0 to 7.
Node_1, Bridge_1...: Bandwidth allocation.  The sum of all the rows of  each column must not exceed the total bandwidth of the link.

6. Class_to_Type Table. This table maintains the mapping of AVB Class to Type for each Node and Bridge.  This Table also has two formats.

Commn Format:
ID Class Type ;
 0    A     5 ; /* Background    */
 1    B     3 ; /* Best Effort   */

ID: Increasing sequence number starting from 1.
Class: A or B
Type: Type of Class. The values are 0 to 7. Common to all Nodes and Bridges in the model.


ID Claass  Node_1  Node_2  Node_3  Bridge_4  Node_5   ;
 0    A     5        5        5       5         5     ; /* Background                  */
 1    B     3        3        3       3         3     ;

ID: Increasing sequence number starting from 1.
Class: First Row is A and the second row is B.
Node_1, Bridge_1...: Type for Class A and B.

7. Routing Table database

ID Source_Node    Destination_Node  Distance  Speed_Mbps  Duplex   ;      
 1 Node_1         Bridge_4              1.0       100.0     true   ;
 2 Node_2         Bridge_4              1.0       100.0     true   ;
 3 Node_3         Bridge_4              1.0       100.0     true   ;
 4 Bridge_4       Node_5                1.0       100.0     true   ;   

The Linking_Table_Name of this block must match the name of the Routing_Table block. 
ID; Increasing sequence number starting from 1.
Source_Node: Starting Node
Destination_Node: Ending Node of this link
Distance: Distance.  The unit is defined by the Routing_Latency parameter of the Routing_Table block.
Speed_Mbps: Bandwidth of this link.
Duplex: This is an optional field. If true, then links in both direction are created for this Source-Destination combination.

8. Routing_Table block. This is a standard block in the Interfaces and Buses-> Time Triggered Ethernet library.  This is required to handle the routing between nodes, computing the latency on the links and maintaining the statistics.






Base Period

Sequence Repeat Time




Processing Time




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