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To compile any source program, C compiler is required. Compilation process can be made easy using batch/shell files for Windows and Linux respectively. These batch/shell files are stored under the bin directory of VisualSim install. There are two files located in $VS/bin directory called vsconf.bat and and the two startup scripts in $VS directory called and VisualSim.bat. Use the .bat file for windows users and .sh for Linux. The batch/shell files used for compilation are

  1. VSCONF.bat/
  2. VSBUILD.bat/
  3. VSMAKE.bat/

VSCONF.bat file contains the compiler details mentioned above. Specific variables are used to store them. The user can modify the compiler or furnish the utility details according to the user's needs. Follow the below table to fill in the required information.


1. set VS_C_Library= (Base path to where all the source code are placed.  The default within the VisualSim install is C:\VisualSim\VS800\VS_C_Library.
2. set VS_C_DLL= (Path to where the .dll files are located). This must be VS_C_Library/blocks.



1. SET VSDIR=(This is the path to the compiler).  For example, "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\VC"
2. set CC=cl (Change if using anything other than VisualStudio)

1. set VS_C_Library= (Base path to where all the source code is placed.  The default within the VisualSim install is User/VisualSim/VS800/UserNativeC.
2. set VS_C_DLL= (Path to where the .so files are located).  This must be VS_C_LIbrary/blocks.

1. export CC=g++
2. export CCDIR=/usr/bin (Modify this only if the install is in a different location)



Compilers Supported

Windows: VisualStudio 9.0 and Borland.

Linux and UNIX: g++ 4.0.x.

VSCONF.bat after changes made for Borland C compiler:


SET CCDIR="C:\Borland\BCC55"

SET CC=bcc32

goto C_APP_block

VSCONF.bat after changes made for Microsoft VC++ compiler:


SET CCDIR="D:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\VC98"


goto C_APP_block after changes made for gcc compiler in linux:

export CC=g++

export CCDIR=/usr/bin/ (gcc installer path and this could vary based on your system)



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