Model Setup/ HierarchicalBlock
Block Name: HierarchicalBlock
Code File Location: VisualSim/actor/TypedCompositeActor
o A hierarchical block is used to aggregate multiple basic or hierarchical blocks into a single higher-level block.
o It must have at least one (1) input, one (1) output port or a virtual connection (OUT, MUX etc. ) to be triggered during a simulation.
The Hierarchical block enables easy organization of the model content into bins. The definitions within the block can contain blocks and FSM. Typically, one adds a hierarchical block for each block in the conceptual block diagram and adds input and output ports to match the flow in conceptual block diagram. The block can be saved as a sub model for reuse in other models.
Note: Refer to the section on Creating Sub-Model to learn more.
To create a hierarchical block, drag "Hierarchical Block" from the Library Folder Model->Hierarchical_Blocks into an existing BDE window. To view the blocks inside the Hierarchical block, right-click on the icon and select “Open Block”. Click the input and output Icons on the toolbar to add input and output ports to a hierarchical block. These will show as input/output ports at the parent level model.
An alternate way to create a Hierarchical block is to draw box around a set of blocks including the links and parameters. This will highlight the blocks and the links attached. From the Menu, select Edit->Create Hierarchy. Note that if the included Parameters are used within this Hierarchy set and other blocks in the model, you will get an error while trying to create a Hierarchical block.
The Parameters and Ports in this block are user-defined. To add a parameter, drag a Parameter from Model -> Parameter Folder. Enter a value for this parameter. To add a port, select Configure -> Ports and click addPorts. Now provide a name, select whether the port is input, output or multi-port and specify the type. Set the type to General, or to a specific type, if required.
Refer Hierarchical_params Demo Model.
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