Math and Trig

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AbsoluteValue - It produces an output on each firing with a value that is equal to the absolute value of the input.

AddSubtract - Add tokens on the plus input channels and subtract tokens on the minus input channels.

Accumulator - Output the initial value plus the sum of all the inputs since the last time a true token was received at the reset port.

Average - Output the average of the inputs since the last time a true token was received at the reset port. The reset input may be left disconnected in most simulation domains.

Const - Generates a constant value on the output port every time there is a trigger on the input port.

StringConst - Generates a constant value of type string on the output port every time there is a trigger on the input port.

Differential - Output the difference between successive inputs.

DotProduct - Output the dot product of two input arrays.

Limiter - Produce an output token on each firing with a value that is equal to the input if the input lies between top and bottom. Otherwise, if the input is greater than top, output top or, if the input is less than bottom, output bottom.

MathFunction - Produce an output token with a value that is a function of the input(s). The function is specified by the function attribute- exp, log, modulo, sign, square, and sqrt.

Math_K - Performs an operation using the constant in the parameter. The output is the result of the operation.

Math_Port - Uses the value in the input port. The output is the result of the operation.

Maximum - Broadcast an output token on each firing on maximumValue with a value that is the maximum of the values on the input channels. The index of this maximum is broadcast on channelNumber.

Max_by_Port - Provides the maximum value between the two input values.

Minimum - Broadcast an output token on each firing on minimumValue with a value that is the minimum of the values on the input channels. The index of this minimum is broadcast on channelNumber.

Min_by_Port - Provides the minimum value between the two input values.

MultiplyDivide - Multiply tokens on the multiply input channels, and divide by tokens on the divide input channels.

Quantizer - It produces an output token on each firing with a value that is a quantized version of the input.

Remainder - It produces an output token with the value that is the remainder after dividing the token on the input port by the divisor.

Scale - It produces an output that is the product of the input and the factor.

TrigFunction - It produces an output token with a value that is a function of the input. The function is specified by the function attribute-e acos, asin, atan, cos, sin, and tan.

UnaryMathFunction - It produces an output token on each firing with a value that is equal to the specified math function of the input.

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