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AND - AND operation.

Comparator - It produces an output token with a value that is a comparison of the input. The comparison is specified by the comparison attribute, where valid comparisons are >, >=, <, <=, and ==.

Compare_K - Compare an incoming value against the value in the parameter field. The possible options are Equal to (EQ), Not Equal (NE), Greater Than (GT), Greater Than or Equal (GE), Less Than (LT) and Less Than or Equal (LE).

Compare_Port - This is same as Compare_K except the compare value is also provided on the input port.

EIO - It sends a copy of the incoming DS on each of the output ports in order from top to bottom (output, output_2 and output_3). The EIO has a 0.1 pico-second delay between the presentations on each port.

Equals - Consume at most one token from each channel of input, and produce an output token with value true if these tokens are equal in value and false otherwise.

IsPresent - Consume at most one token from each channel of input, and output a boolean on the corresponding output channel (if there is one). The value of the boolean is true if the input is present and false otherwise.

LogicalNot - It produces an output token which is the logical negation of the input token.

LogicFunction - It produces an output token with a value that is a logical function of the tokens on the input. The function is specified by the function attribute- and, or, xor, nand, nor, and xnor.

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