arch_bus_name = "Custom_" + Architecture_Setup_Name +"_" + Linear Bus Name
Function, Argument Type(s) & Return Type
Examples |
lengthBusPreempt (String arch_bus_name_) |
Obtain the length of the Arbiter Preemption Queue. |
lengthBusPreempt(Custom_Architecture1_AHB1) |
lengthBusQueue (String arch_bus_name_) |
Obtain the length of the named Arbiter Queue. |
lengthBusQueue(Custom_Architecture1_AHB1) |
lengthBusQueue (String arch_bus_name_, String port_name_, String queue_name_) |
Obtain the length of the named Bus Queue. This is used in the Reg-Ack block only. |
readBusPorts (String arch_bus_name_) |
Read the list of Bus Port Names as an Array of Strings from Linear_Bus. |
readBusPorts(Custom_Architecture1_AHB1) |
readBusQueue (String arch_bus_name_, int position_) |
Obtain a copy of the Transaction (Data structure) from Arbiter Queue by position. This assumes that the user knows the queue length. |
readBusQueue(Custom_Architecture1_AHB1,0) |
readBusQueue (String arch_bus_name_, String port_name_, String queue_name_, int position_) |
Obtain a copy of the Transaction (Data structureToken) by Port Name, Queue Name by position argument, assumes user obtained length prior. This is used in the Req-Ack bus only. |
readBusQueue(Custom_Arch_Bus_Name, 0) |
removeBusPreempt (String arch_bus_name_, int position_) |
Remove the Transaction (Data structureToken) from Preempt Queue by position. This assumes that the user knows the queue length. |
removeBusPreempt(Custom_Architecture1_AHB1,0) |
removeBusQueue (String arch_bus_name_, int position_) |
Remove the Transaction (Data structureToken) by Port Name of Input Queue by position argument, assumes user obtained length prior. |
removeBusQueue(Custom_Architecture1_AHB1,0) |
removeBusQueue (String arch_bus_name_, String port_name_, String queue_name_, int position_) |
Remove the Transaction (Data structureToken) by Port Name, Queue Name by position argument, assumes user obtained length prior. This is used by the Req-Ack bus only. |
writeBusPreempt (String arch_bus_name_, int position_, structureToken rt_) |
Write the Transaction (Data structureToken) to a specific position of the Preempt Queue by position argument, assumes user obtained length prior. If there is an item in that position, the current item is overwritten. |
writeBusPreempt(Custom_Architecture1_AHB1, |
writeBusQueue (String arch_bus_name_, String port_name_, int position_, structureToken rt_) |
Write the Transaction (Data structureToken) by Port Name of Input Queue by position argument, assumes user obtained length prior. If there is an item in that position, the current item is overwritten. |
writeBusQueue(Custom_Architecture1_AHB1, |
writeBusQueueTail (String arch_bus_name_, String port_name_, String queue_name_, structureToken rt_) |
Write the Transaction (Data structureToken) by Port Name, Queue Name. This is used in the Req-Ack bus only. |
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