Function & Argument Type(s)
Example |
addBlockReference (String Architecture_Name, String Block_Name) |
Adds a Block to the Architecture_Setup. |
addBlockReference(“Architecture_1”, |
addDeviceToBus (String Architecture_Name, String Device_Name, String Device_Output_Name, String Bus_Port_Name, String Bus_Output_Name) |
Add a device to a bus and updates the routing table. |
addDeviceToBus ("Architecture_1","IO_2", |
addToRoutingTable (String Architecture_Name, String Source_Name, String Destination_Name, String Hop_Name, String Source_Port_Name) |
Adds a line to the routing table. This is used to add a specific connection. |
addToRoutingTable |
getRoutingTable (String Architecture_Name) |
Get Routing Table as a Data Structure. |
getRoutingTable("Architecture_1") |
getRoutingTableHop (String Architecture_Name, String Source, String Destination) |
Get Routing Table Hop as a String, if no path/hop exists, then return "none". |
getRoutingTableHop("Architecture_1", |
getRoutingTableHop (String Routing_Table_Name, String Source, String Destination) |
Routing_Table_Name must be suffixed with Block_Stats. Get Routing Table Hop as a String, if no path/hop exists, then return "none". |
getRoutingTableHop("RT_Block_Status", |
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