Function & Argument Type(s)
Example |
getDate ( dateLong) |
Convert UTC (LongToken) to text Date format Fri Feb 10 09:37:27 PST 2006. |
getDate(long) |
property (String propertyName) |
Get the specified property from the environment. |
getProperty("java.home") |
recordTokenToLineWriter ( structureToken token) |
Convert a the visual look of the Data Structure from multiple lines to a single line string format. Used to write the DS to a file for reading back into the model later. |
recordTokenToLineWriter(port_token) |
sendToCommandLine (String message) |
Send to Command Line string message. |
a = sendToCommandLine("Exception") |
throwMyException (String message) |
Throw My Exception. |
throwMyException("User-defined Exception") |
within ( token1, token2, doubl distance) |
Return true if the first argument is close in value to the second, where "close" means that it is within the distance given by the third argument. |
a = 1.0 b = 1.5 c = within(a,b,0.6) = true c = within(a,b,0.4) = false |
setTrace (String Block or Memory Name, Boolean flag) |
Writes trace data to a standard destination- <User Home>/.VisualSim folder/ VisualSimTraceLog.txt file. The string can be a Script name or a variable name (local and global), or Variable- which includes all the variable. The boolean value turns on and off the trace. |
setTrace("Memory1",true) Start trace on Memory1 setTrace ("VirtualMachine",false) Stop trace on VirtualMachine. |
readAndClearTrace () |
Reads the data from the file- <User Home>/.VisualSim folder/ VisualSimTraceLog.txt file, write the content to the LHS, and clears the data in the file. |
content=readAndClearTrace() |
myTrace (String trace_Name, String trace) |
Writes trace data to a standard destination- <User Home>/.VisualSim folder/ VisualSimTraceLog.txt file. The first String is the trace name and the second is the trace value. |
myTrace("Early Trace","Early Value") |
myStats (String trace_Name, String trace) |
Writes statistics data to a standard destination- <User Home>/.VisualSim folder/ VisualSimStatsLog.txt file. The first String is the trace name and the second is the statistics value. |
myStats("Bytes_Used","200") |
myWarning (String message) |
Writes the warning 'message" to a standard destination- <User Home>/.VisualSim folder/ VisualSimConsoleLog.txt file. |
myWarning("Buffer is overflowing") |
myQuestion (String message) |
My Question, pauses simulation with a yes, no window. The model proceeds after the user select Yes. |
myQuestion("Trace File has completed") |
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