Decode a (n, k) Hamming code, where n is specified by parameter codedRate and k is specified by parameter uncodedRate.
The Hamming code can correct one-bit error. To encode a Hamming code, the HammingCoder consumes k information bits during each firing and consider them as a row vector X. Its Hamming code is Y = X * G.
If there is no error in Y, Y * HT should be a zero vector of length n - k. Otherwise S = Y * HT is called the syndrome. Let S be the i-th column of H. The HammingDecoder declares there is an error at the i-th element of Y.
For more information on Hamming codes, see HammingCoder and Proakis, Digital Communications, Fourth Edition, McGraw-Hill, 2001, pp. 448-450.
Field Detail |
public uncodedRate
public codedRate
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