Model of a wireless channel with a specified loss probability. If the loss probability is greater than zero then on each call to the transmit() method, for each receiver in range, with the specified probability, the transmission to that receiver will not occur. Whether a transmission occurs to a particular receiver is independent of whether it occurs to any other receiver.
For convenience, a variable named "distance" is available and equal to the distance between the transmitter and the receiver when the lossProbability is evaluated. Thus, the loss probability can be given as an expression that depends on this distance.
The distance between the transmitter and receiver is determined by the protected method _distanceBetween(), which is also used to set the value of the distance variable that can be used in the expression for loss probability. In this base class, that method uses the _location attribute of the transmit and receive actors, which corresponds to the position of the icon in the ModelBuilder visual editor. Subclasses may override this protected method to provide some other notion of distance.
Field Detail |
public lossProbability
public seed
public distance
protected java.util.Random _random
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