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Bernoulli - It produces a random sequence of booleans. It uses the class java.util.Random to generate random numbers.

Beta - It produces a random sequence with a Beta distribution. This actor instantiates a cern.jet.random.NegativeBinomial object with n, the number of trials set to 1 and p, the probability of success, set to 0.5.

Binomial - It produces a random sequence with a Binomial distribution. This actor instantiates a cern.jet.random.Binomial object with n, the number of trials (also known as the sample size) set to 1 and p, the probability of success, set to 0.5.

BreitWigner - It produces a random sequence with a BreitWigner distribution. Breit-Wigner is a also know as the Lorentz distribution. The Breit-Wigner distribution is a more generate form of the Cauchy distribution.

ColtChiSquare - It produce a random sequence with a ChiSquare distribution.

DiscreteRandomSource - It produces tokens with a given probability mass function.

Exponential - It produces a random sequence with a Exponential distribution. Exponential distributions describe the distance between events with uniform distribution in time.

ExponentialPower - It produces a random sequence with a ExponentialPower distribution. This actor instantiates a cern.jet.random.ExponentialPower object with tau set to 1.0.

Gamma - It produces a random sequence with a Gamma distribution. This actor instantiates a cern.jet.random.Gamma object with double and lambda both set to 1.0.

Gaussian - It produces a random sequence with a Gaussian distribution.

HyperGeometric - It produces a random sequence with a HyperGeometric distribution. This actor instantiates a cern.jet.random.HyperGeometric object with N set to 2, and s and n both set to 1.

Logarithmic - It produce a random sequence with a Logarithmic distribution. This actor instantiates a cern.jet.random.Logarithmic object with p set to 0.5.

NegativeBinomial - It produce a random sequence with a NegativeBinomial distribution. This actor instantiates a cern.jet.random.NegativeBinomial object with n, the number of trials set to 1 and p, the probability of success, set to 0.5.

Normal - It produce a random sequence with a Normal distribution. This actor instantiates a cern.jet.random.Normal object with a mean of 1.0 and a standardDeviation of 1.0.

Poisson - It produce a random sequence with a Poisson distribution. This actor instantiates a cern.jet.random.Poisson object with a mean of 1.0.

PoissonSlow - It produces a random sequence with a PoissonSlow distribution. This actor instantiates a cern.jet.random.PoissonSlow object with a mean of 1.0.

Rician - It produce a random sequence with a Rician distribution. The actor is by default a Rayleigh random generator.

StudentT - It produces a random sequence with a StudentT distribution. This actor instantiates a cern.jet.random.StudentT object with a freedom of 1.0.

Uniform - It produces a random sequence with a uniform distribution.

VonMises - It produce a random sequence with a VonMises distribution. This actor instantiates a cern.jet.random.VonMises object with freedom set to 1.0.

Zeta - It produces a random sequence with a Zeta distribution. This actor instantiates a cern.jet.random.Zeta object with ro and pk set to 1.0.

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