Class DatagramReader
- This actor reads datagram packets via a separate thread. The thread responds to datagrams whenever they arrive, giving the actor the ability to read the datagrams asynchronously. Datagrams are connectionless, open-loop internet communications. Each datagram packet contains data plus a return address. The return address consists of an IP address and a socket number. Datagrams use the UDP protocol under which no reply or confirmation is expected. This is in contrast to TCP which expects confirmations and attempts to deliver packets in order to the layer above TCP. This can result in long delays in the delivery of information across the network. Because UDP makes no such attempts, it never hangs and does not need to be timed out.
- NOTE: This actor has been developed to work in the Discrete Event (DE) and Synchronous Data Flow (SDF) domains. Use elsewhere with caution.
- The simplest scenario has the thread constantly stalled awaiting a packet. When a packet arrives, the thread quickly queues it in one of the buffers of the actor, calls the getDirector().fireAtCurrentTime(), and then stalls again awaiting the next packet. By stalling again and again, the thread keeps the actor aware at all times of incoming packets. This is particularly important if packets come in more quickly than the model can process them. Depending on the domain (e.g. DE) in which this actor is used, the director may respond to the fireAtCurrentTime() call of the thread by calling the fire() method of the actor. In this case, fire() then broadcasts the data received, along with the return address and return socket number from which the datagram originated.
- The data portion of the packet is broadcast at the output port. The type of the output is always an array of bytes.
- The return address and socket number are broadcast as String and int respectively. These tell where the received datagram originated from.
- The behavior of the actor under less simple scenarios is governed by parameters of this actor. Additional packet(s) can arrive while the director is getting around to calling fire(). Conversely, the director may make extra calls to fire(), even before any datagrams have come in. I call these the eager packet and eager director scenarios respectively.
- Background: There are two packet buffers. The thread and the fire() method share these buffers and maintain consistency via synchronization on the object _syncFireAndThread. This synchronization prevents conflicts when accessing the shared buffers and when accessing the count of queued packets.
- The overwrite parameter applies to the eager packet scenario. Setting this parameter to true is useful in cases where it is possible for data to come in too fast for the model to process. This setting alleviates data gluts without undue loss of data when the model is able to keep up. When overwrite is set to true (the default), the actor discards the packet already received in favor of the new packet. If false, the new packet is queued behind the existing one. In the latter case, both buffers are now full. The thread then waits for fire() to consume a queued packet before it stalls again awaiting the next. In all other cases (overwrite true or no queued packets) the thread immediately stalls to await the next packet.
- The blockAwaitingDatagram parameter applies to the eager director case. This case comes up most often in SDF, where an actor is expected to block in fire until an output can be produced. If true, a call to fire() will block unless or until a datagram has arrived. If false, then fire() returns without waiting, using the defaultOutput parameter in place of real data. The returnAddress and returnSocketNumber ports have default outputs as well, but they are not parameter-programmable.
- NOTE: This actor has a parameter localSocketNumber for the port number assigned to its local datagram socket. Initially, the local socket number is set to 4004. There is no particular reason for choosing this number, except that is noticeable in the code and in Vergil, thus encouraging you to change it to any desired value in the range 0..65535. Note that socket numbers 0..1023 are generally reserved and numbers 1024 and above are generally available.
- Some commonly used port numbers (a.k.a. socket numbers) are shown below:
Well-known Ports
(Commonly Used Ports)
7 (Echo)
21 (FTP)
25 (SMTP)
53 (DNS)
79 (finger)
80 (HTTP)
110 (POP3)
119 (NNTP)
161 (SNMP)
162 (SNMP Trap)
Reference: (A webpage hosted from within the Linksys BEFSR41 Cable/DSL Router)
- Another useful tidbit is the command 'netstat'. This works in a DOS prompt and also in the UNIX-like Bash shell. In either shell, enter 'netstat -an'. This command shows current port allocations! Ports allocated to VisualSim models are shown along with other port allocations. Other useful network commands include 'ping' and 'tracert'. Both TCP and UDP (datagram) ports are shown by netstat. FIXME: Find out whether a TCP port using a specific number blocks a UDP port from using that same number.
public TypedIOPort returnAddress
- This port outputs the IP address portion of the received datagram packet. The type of this output is String. This is the IP address of the remote datagram socket which sent the packet to the socket of this actor. Under IPv4, this string has the familiar form "". This output defaults (when no datagram has been received and blocking is false) to the IP address of the socket.
public TypedIOPort returnSocketNumber
- This port outputs the socket (a.k.a port) number portion of the received datagram packet. The type of this output is int. This is the socket number of the remote datagram socket which sent the packet to this actor's socket. This is an integer in the range 0 through 65535. This output defaults (when no datagram has been received and blocking is false) to this actor's local socket number.
public TypedIOPort output
- This port outputs the data portion of the received datagram packet. The type of output may depend on the datagram received, which may vary even during a single run of a model. The user is encouraged to play with the configuration of this port to best suit the need at hand.
public TypedIOPort trigger
- The trigger input port reads and discards a token from each channel that has a token. The type of this port has been set to GENERAL, permitting any token type to be accepted. The hasToken() and get(int) methods are called on this input, but their contents are discarded. The presence of a connection to this input serves a purpose by causing the director to schedule the firing of this actor at an appropriate place in the sequence of firings of actors. This is particularly useful in the SDF domain. Without a trigger input, the SDF scheduler would be unable to schedule a firing of this actor unless it can be scheduled as the first actor to be fired. Thus, without this input, configurations in SDF would be limited. (@See for an archetypal trigger input.)
public Parameter localSocketNumber
- This actor's local socket (a.k.a. port) number. This is a system resource allocated to this actor. No other actor with the same local socket number may run at the same time.
public Parameter actorBufferLength
- Length (in bytes) of each of the actor's two packet buffers for receiving a datagram. This length does not include the bytes needed for storing the datagram's return address and other housekeeping information. This buffer need only be big enough to hold the payload (a.k.a. data portion) of the datagram.
public Parameter platformBufferLength
- Length (in bytes) of the buffer within java and/or the platform layers below java. Java documents refers to all this collectively as the platform. The size of this buffer is controlled via the getReceiveBufferSize() and setReceiveBufferSize() methods. @see Caution #1 - The platform treats setReceiveBufferSize() as a suggestion only. It supposedly reports the actual buffer size granted in subsequent calls to getReceiveBufferSize(). However, my experiments with this showed it granting buffers as large as 2 gigabytes, with no apparent limit except the maximum representable integer value. Thus, I suggest taking this with a grain of salt. Caution #2 - the get/setReceiveBufferSize() calls block when called as long as another thread is in a receive() call on that same socket. This is undocumented in Java's documentation.
public Parameter overwrite
- Whether to overwrite when inundated with datagrams or let them pile up. Default is true. If false, datagrams will queue up (mostly in the platform, some in the actor). The datagram used at each invocation of fire will be the oldest in the queue. On the other hand, if overwrite is true, then minimal queuing will occur and the most recent data will be used when fire() is called. Older data will be discarded.
public Parameter blockAwaitingDatagram
- Whether to block in fire(). If fire() is called before the datagram has arrived, the actor must either block awaiting the datagram or use its defaultOutput. This blocking parameter controls which choice fire() will make. This parameter is useful for SDF models, where it is generally set to true. It has no effect in DE models unless the trigger input has been connected. Type is Boolean. Default value is true.
public Parameter defaultReturnAddress
- The default for the returnAddress output. This token is broadcast when the actor is fired, but no actual datagram is available to broadcast and blockAwaitingDatagram is false. If blocking were true, the actor would simply stall in fire() until a datagram arrives. Type is string. Default value is "localhost".
public Parameter defaultReturnSocketNumber
- The default the returnSocketNumber output. This token is broadcast when the actor is fired, but no actual datagram is available to broadcast and blockAwaitingDatagram is false. If blocking were true, the actor would simply stall in fire() until a datagram arrives. Type is integer. Default value is 0.
public Parameter defaultOutput
- The default for the output output. This default token is broadcast when the actor is fired, but no actual datagram data is available to broadcast and blockAwaitingDatagram is false. If blocking were true, the actor would simply stall in fire() until a datagram arrives. Type is defined by the expression entered. Default type & value is the integer 0.
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