This is a clock source used in continuous-time (CT) domain. It extends the clock actor in VisualSim/actor/lib directory but overrides the fire, initialize, preinitialize and postfire method. This actor serves as a wave form generator in CT domain.
The actor uses the fireAt() method of the director to request firings at the beginning of each period plus each of the offsets, which are treated as breakpoints. At each breakpoint, the actor produces two outputs, one at t_minus phase and the other one at t_plus phase. The time does not advance at these two phases. For example, with the default settings, at time 1.0, the actor produces 0 at t_minus phase and 1 at t_plus phase. Note, at time t, which is between t_minus and t_plus, the possible output of this actor can be any value between 0 and 1.
The clock has a stopTime parameter and a numberOfCycles parameter. The whole model will stop execution when the stop time is reached. If the numberOfCycles is set to a positive integer, the clock will continue outputting the value of the defaultValue parameter after the number of cycles are reached if the stop time is not reached.
public defaultValue
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