Class AudioReader
The fileOrURL parameter should be set to the name of the file or a URL, in any form accepted by FileAttribute. The default initial value is $CLASSPATH/VisualSim/actor/lib/javasound/voice.wav, which refers to a file that is found relative to the classpath.
Supported file formats are WAV, AU, and AIFF. The sound file format is determined from the file extension.
When the end of the file is reached, postfire() return false, which in some simulators will cause the model to stop executing (e.g. SDF), and in some will prevent further firings of this actor (e.g. DE).
There are security issues involved with accessing files and audio resources in applets. Applets are only allowed access to files specified by a URL and located on the machine from which the applet is loaded. The .java.policy file may be modified to grant applets more privileges.
Note: Requires Java 2 v1.3.0 or later.
See Also:
Field Detail |
public FileAttribute fileOrURL
private double[][] _audioIn
private DoubleToken[][] _audioSendArray
private int _channels
private boolean _firedSinceWrapup
private String _previousFileOrURL
private boolean _reachedEOF
private int _sampleIndex
private SoundReader _soundReader
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