
Release Notes
for 2030
New Library
- Ethernet
Switch, TileLink, CRC, Checksum, RTOS, Heat and thermal output from
Battery block, network failure library, CMN600, ARM A77, ARM A63, ARM
A65, ARM Z1
- Comparator
- to compare the results from two separate runs and check their fail/pass status based on listed criteria
- XML comparator
- looks
at two versions of the same model and lists the differences. XML
Comparator also does static port connection check and lists all the
ports associated with a relation.
- GNUPlot interface
- to generate plot datasets in GNUPlot format.
- It is very useful for timing diagrams and state-based activity diagram.
- ARXML support
- for Automotive traffic standard - ARXML
- to generate CAN and Ethernet network traffic
- First generation failure analysis modeling concepts
- Batch Generator
- Generates
a .bat or .sh file which lists all possible parameter combination for
any particular model selected, with the parameters selected as per
users choice.
- Multi Thread batch mode execution
- Distributes
each simulation setup in the Batch Generator file to a core.Maximizes
the use of the single machine processing capacity. Does require 8 GB of
minimum memory.
- Diagram generator
- Support for diagram generator using an Open Source tool.
- Activity, State, Timing, Component and Object diagram.
- Hardware in the loop
- Developed custom interface to S2C FPGA boards
- Support for both Master and Slave IP on the FPGA is supported
New Models
- Video
Display System, Data Center, Software Defined Radio, 5G Wireless,
braking system, Ethernet Switch+CAN+Gateway, TSN+CAN+Gateway, Intel FPGA, Xilinx Ultrascale and
Xilinx Zynq, Microsemi
New Video
- Training Series, short videos on data structures, traffic, queues, System Resources, Servers, Traffic and Debugging
Migrated to java 14
- Java 8 has been end-of-life and there were errors that were not being fixed
Feature enhancements
- Full-featured Text Editor with support for syntax highlighting, line numbers, search and font management.
- Integrated Diagnostic block with System resources, queues, servers and channels to test error conditions
- Support for spaces and empty arrays in Database and Memory_Init
- Added 45 error statements
- Hierarchy blocks can be saved in UserLibrary
- Get a document that display all the parameters, blocks, hierarchies, ports, wires and variables
- Simulation speed:
- New methodology developed to increase simulation speed in high processing Script by up to 8X.
- Support for view plots from generated Web HTML documentation
- Print out of all virtual connections and resources when the wrong connection is made
- Added new RegEx to help the user consolidate all custom statistics and print out in one location.
- DMA:
- Support multiple outstanding request.
- Without waiting for an acknowledgement, DMA will carry out tasks till the outstanding request count is reached.
- Detection of errors.
- Add requirement of BREAK for CASE-Switch
- Error messages for arrays
- Initialize variable before for loop
- GTO can have a string
- Support for Find in Script file
Release Notes
for 2010
New Features
1. Automatic layout – lets the user allign the wires automatically and in a presentable manner
Unit Constraint solver – This is a new static check feature that was
added to check whether the units are properly matched, to check whether
the model design is consistent or not
Diagnostic block – This new module will check and analyse the
architecture dynamicaly and capture all the mishaps happening. Like
whether packets are getting dropped, warnings on improper configuration
etc.This new module will also let the user specify some constarints
that the user wishes to check. If the condition are not met, the full
statistical analysis of that module will be printed at the point in
time itself.
GEM5 Wrapper – This is a new addition to out alreasy existing large
library. This module acts as the interface beween GEM5 simuator and
VisualSim Architect. Linux environment is required.
5. Traces – Traces are generated for all resources and architectural blocks
6. DMA – DMA had been updated to have the following featues:
a. Alternate between Idx 1 and 2 sequence was updated
b. Input Data Structure field
c. Traces
d. Statistics
e. Replaced pull-down with line
7. AHB – Fragmenter has been added
Udated RegEx – getResourceActivity will give the current length
of all the queues in the resources listed in the database
resource column
9. Warning message for unused variables and Queue usage
10. 16X16 size AXI Bus
11. Updated Integrated cache
12. Added support for AHB, PCIe and DMA for the ardware_DS data structure
13. Fixes for processor to support external cache, external SystemResource
14. Speedup the Listen to Block and Listen to Port when there is a large data being sent to the Display
Release Notes
for 1940
New Features
- Interface to software execution on Processor ISS
- Distirbute simulationa cross multiple cores
- Tight integration to Excel and GNUPlot
- Complete revamp of Cache and Memory
- Eleven new library components
New Library
- CRC and Checksum network components
- Integrated_Cache block that combines stochastic and address-based with new features
- AMBA AXI bus has a new version with 16X16 ports
- TSN library with Scheduler
- TCP library
- Over 10 different schedulers for use in hardware, RTOS and network applications
- Integration to Excel
- Wrapper to operate with GEM5
- New Processor block to support External cache, Out-of-order execution,
Library Updates
- Post Processor supports Array Plotter and Bar graph
- Update to AFDX, TTE and DRAM blocks
- New SystemC interface to support System 2.3.3
- DRAM and DMA support variable width
- CAN Bus- added power management and simultaneous 11 and 29 bit processing
- AXI- support 16X16 ports
- Application templates- TCP, TSN, CAN usage, CRC,
Checksum, Memory, Integrated_Cache, Software_Defined_Radio, Application
of schedulers, Writing output for GNU Plot, TCP/IP and Excel
- Reordered parameters in multiple blocks
- Added Save and View for ArrayPlotter and Bargraph
- Failure analysis
- Fault Injection, Detection and Resolution examples
Bug fixes, Documentation
and Errors
- Set fonts and sizes in VisualSimConfig.Properties. Now applies to all parts of VisualSim
- Language naming moved to .VisualSim folder to permit read-only install location
- Fixed error messages in many blocks to suggest solution
- Reduced the number of new fields created across buses and memories
- Fixed the use of random in cache and Instruction generator block
- Prevent deadlocks between Events
- GNUPlot did not display when a dataset did not have a value. Now added default values
- Made fileOrURL and Data_Structure_Name to be symmetrical in Traffic block
- Renamed plot legends for buses and memory
- Removed start delay in AXI and Memory. This forced the Hello messages to be delayed.
- More descriptive way file names for the power statistics file
- Ensured that row precharge worked correctly for the second request to a different row
- DeviceInterface does not update if the field exists
- Fixed fileParameter to support hierarchical parameters
- 0L is no longer converted to string in InitVariable
- Instruction generator had the wrong length for every start of the simulation
- Delay block generated an error when double/double was used in the Expression.
- Path in Script block now supports "" for the file name
- Support instructions from Database for DynamicMapper
- State change in Power Table supports all blocks including custom block
- Not enough description on LocalPreferences module
- Motor energy harvester cannot find class file (Linux)
- "VisualSim_1940_64.jar' is not marked as executable
- "
- "com.microstar.xml.XmlException: XML element ""entity"" triggers exception. in [external stream] at line 2 and column 81
- "
- Duplicate memory creation : Color_Array
- "<entity name = ""PullConsumer"" class= ""Visualsim.actor.corba.PullConsumer"">""
- java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/omg/CORBA/UserException"
- DRAM cannot locate Memory_Controller: none_Mem_Ctrl, suggest edit.
- "Error with getCell RegEx
- VisualSim.kernel.util.IllegalActionException:
- Block : Dynamic_Mapper.DynamicMapper
- Error
: Task_Number Expr (getCell (Database_Lookup,
Task_Name, ""ID"")) not an integer:"
- Invalid Delay_Value Field Name ( Fld_Name_or_Dbl_or_Expr ) Parameter should be Double or String of Field Name in Mapper.
- Model Results/Block functionality not correct
- "cl' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
- operable program or batch file."
- Explanation
= getRows("RT", NodeName,"Source_Node"), Check argument types, argument
values, field names, and variables.
- Expression
does not
SEND (status, Flow_Control_Name + " Block: " + Block_Name +
" WAIT(" + Event_Name + ") complete.")
- LPDDR6_Mem_Ctrl (SDRAM) Block Parameter not found, suggest edit.
- "<entity name = ""Router_NEW"" class = ""VisualSim.actor.arch.ARM.Router_NEW"">
- Cannot find class: ViusualSim.actor.arch.ARM.Router_NEW"
= port_token.A_Bytes_Sent + Data_Header, Check argument types, argument
values, field names, and variables.
- Instruction Mnemonic (Instruction) not found for Execution Unit (SH4_List)Exception: Check Instruction_Set for match.
- "Parameter (Number_of_Banks) on LHS of expression (Number_of_Banks = 2^Number_Bits)
- Suggest modifying expression.
- "
- "Code Error
- "
- Database Reading issue
- Array couldnt be converted to a token
- "Error : Block Overlaps with (.FC_System_w_Multi_Switch.FC_Config.Database4) with Name: End_Point_DB
- Exception: : .FC_System_w_Multi_Switch.FC_Config.Database2 Name must be unique."
- NegativeArraySize Exception
- Unknown Error
- No values on Time data plotter
- "Active_File
= readFile (Instr_File), Check argument types, argument values, field
names, and variables.
- File not found none found for openForReading."
- no values on Text display
- no values on Text display
- "Error : Cache Reference (L2) expect to start with L_."
- L2 requires _ in between
- Null Pointer Exception
- Routing Table Reference
- no values on Time Data Plotter and cycle accurate memory
- Error : Destination_Name (1Clock) not found.
- no values on Text display
- Processor error
- "<entity name = ""JAlImageReader"" class= ""Visualsim.actor.lib.jai.JAlImageReader"">""
- java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/sun/media/jai/codex/SeakableStream"
- "<param name = ""fileOrURL""
- value = ""file:/C:/VisualSim/VS64/demo/image_processing/demo_jai/goldhill.gif/>"""
- "Field_Description_B problem.
- Field Type is not recognized.
- Actual Type: String
- "
- unexpected characters after
document end (found "<") in
at line 1930 and column 5
- "in .DSP_Top_Level_baseline.manager
- Because:
- URI is not absolute"
- No results on processor output
- Last Fragment not coming out from Bus Arbiter
- Issue with Regex execution
- Issue with Regex execution
- "Error : Cannot send to External Cache (Unknown)"
- not sure with tthe output result
- No Latency is plotted
- Same error with AVB_Setup,
TTE_SetUp blocks. Need to change the blocks in the library. This
block does not show error for AVB models. Error is with TTE. Need to
change the TTE setup block
- The file is not available. The link fails
- Hyperlink fails
- The trigger port is not available.
- Data type Error
- Data Type not recognised in Insert block. Lower Case s should be used
- Switch Block has Parameter on the LHS of expression
- Branch instr taking too long to process error generated by processor
- Null pointer exception
- issue with regex execution
- "Address_Bit_Map (3), Check argument types, argument values, field names, and variables.
- "
- issue with regex
- Virtual Connection to Clock Align Block is not made
- memory controller issue
- null pointer exception
- "cannot use multiple '-' in script within a string
- ex: text = ""-------"""
- "powerUpdate issue
- "
- NullpointerException
- Buffer size is full in SR_Extend
- takes more time than usual to run
- getRows() RegEx is having issue
- No function found matching listenerFormatOutput
- No function found matching readerToString(string)
- Software mapper feild issue
- issues with Processor
- null pointer exception
- Latency is not plotted
- new error
- "
- Software Mapper is not accepting the ""Task_Destination"" format. Works for input.Task_Destination"
- Stack Overflow Error
- "Txt file not present
- "
- The Clones are having issue
- instr is taking too long (BRANCH instr)
- No Such Element Exception
- Nested switch statement to prevent infinite loop
- Create empty array
- Assign computed values such as Queue length to a index of an array
Release Notes
for 1920
New Features
- Export to Web
- VisualSim online
- Clear Listen windows at the
beginning of the next run
- Output state plot from Power Manager
and viewable in GNUPlot
- New Java certificate for use within
- Automatic tool tip generation
- New plotting for AXI, Bus, AHB, PCI
and PCIe
- Support DDR4
New Library
- Check input fields and values
at entry into over 100 blocks. Reduces cryptic error occurance.
- ARM: A53, A72, A76
- AMBA: CHI5, CMN600
- RISC-V, Leon
- NoC, SSD
- SystemResource_Extend support Non-Blocking FCFS
- New blocks- Tracer and GNUPlot
- getBlockStatus for QS_Resource block
- Completely new set of statistics and error messages for AXI and Memory
Library Updates
- CAN Bus- added support for new
look-and-feel, signal and message routing, simultaneous 11 and 29 bit
and error checking
- Application templates- signal
processor, software defiend radio, thermal, Cubesat, SSD, industrial
systems with PowerPC, Xeon and RapidIO/PCIe, Avionics, Telephony, VoIP,
SysML conversion example, Failure analysis
- Zynq Ultrascale
- Nvidia DrivePX
- Big-Little mobile system
- Integration imaging algorithm
with performance model
- Open Flow Switch
- Experimental system using a
Discrete Optimizer
- Demonstration for generation of
html documentation
- Jet engine
- Programmable array controller-
- Satellite modem
- Media Server and Network
Attached Storage
- Traffic block supports URI
format file naming
- Support for recursive
expression in PowerTable
- Support for variables in
- Added full RegEx, Variables and
fields in Mappers, SystemResource, Queue, Servers and Channel blocks
- Modified parameter names for
SystemResource, Mappers and Power Table
- Append to array checks for type
- Upgraded QS_Resource to be
on-par with Queues and Servers
- QS_Resource and Mapper/SystemResource can be in the same behavior flow
- Double-click opens the Script code
- Eiminate caches from calling itself
- Routing Table and Database blocks support a separate file parameter field
and Errors
- Removed the get from inside channel and send to inside channel debug messages that duplicates the Listen to Port information
- New Reference card that covers all
the library, GUI features and statistics
- Added documentation for all the
blocks did not have them prior
- New Error message format added to
all the blocks- block name, error description, suggested solutions and
- Added online documentation for over
200 application templates
- Error message for file path is
- Dynamic instantiation now states
that Simulation is required
- Error reported when fields are left
- Type controlled for input and
parameter values. Reduce computational errors. Errors captured at
both construction and run-time
- OUT, IN, Mapper and Script blocks provide a list of possible destinations
- Eiminated a number of Null
Pointer Exception Error. For all other Null Pointer error, add
some additional information to help the user identify the error.
- Support empty lines in loops
- if-statement can have { brackets on the same or next line
- Support for loops
- Support nested While Loops
- Switch-Case also support C format
- Support upper and lower case method and keywords
- New format for the List to Block that shows a better compiled view of the code
- New error formats pin-points exact line in the code
- Support for Visual Studio 17 and gcc
4.8 for the C/C++ interface
- All statistics are written to file
at the end of the simulation in the same directory as the model
- Errors are written to
VisualSimConsolelog file
- Added trace for all Bus blocks
- Infinity caught as a error
- All print-outs will use the same
font- Courier
- TrafficReader supports end-of-file
and array generation
- Better explanation when source is
not available
- Moved SystemResouce and QS_Resource names to a common field
Notes for 1720
- Fixed
Range Parameter
- Pull-down
Parameter with a fixed list of items
- Expanded
editor for text fields in block parameters
- Expanded
editor to directly access a file from within the User Interface
- File
chooser for Database block
- Access
Help documentation from the Parameter Window
- Enhanced
text editor
- Migration
from java to Java Webstart for faster download and access
- Add
user certification to prevent Web blocks
- Power
generator for piezo-electric, wind, solar, motor etc.
- Battery
model with support for different types of battery, life expectancy,
capacity and discharge, multiple charging schemes, external thermal and
shock impact. Statistics generated for charge input to actual
use; surge current, peak consumption, average consumption, battery
discharge, battery life, and battery capacity loss.
- Power
Manager and Power Table-
- Naming:
Support for different state names, transition cycles for each state,
define variables for dynamic power value change
- File
Chooser for Power table entries
- Asynchronous
time-based state change using a table
- Expressions
for each state
- Hierarchical
power manager
- Hierarchical
statistics including average, cumulative and instant
- Power
consumed by state
- Dynamic
change of frequency for device and power
- Dynamic
change of state expression based on task
- Generate
GNU Plot for State change
- New
state change RegEx function
- Node
block have been upgraded for performance and new routing functions
- Layer
table supports full features error correction and retry
- Support
for hops and bandwidth to compute the routing table
- All
models updated for the new library blocks
- Added
a new VisualSim reference card for quick learning
- New
demonstration and application notes added
Release Notes for
- Auto Save
- Restart and Checkpoint
- Internationalization
- New documentation and structure
- New library organization for easy access
- Updated Power Manager to support
expression in the columns, improved performance
- New RegEx functions for Arrays
- New libraries- Fibre Channel, RapidIO,
Firewire, Time Triggered Ethernet
- Added support for power in Memory
Controller and Cycle-Accurate DRAM
- New front page for each access to content
- Online application template to search and
find new models
- New tutorials for interfaces and buses
- Rename Memory to Variables.
- Added new support RegEx for the Variable-
readAllVariable, readVariable and writeVariable
Release Notes for
- Pause
and Restart enables user to pause a simulation at any time and save the
simulation data. The saved model can be restarted from that
- Cancel
an Event
- Now
available from Java and Virtual Machine
- Trace
- View
the debug messages from multiple blocks in a single view and save to
- View
memory updates from all blocks in a single location
- Arrays
- New
function to create a array.
- Able
to create arrays with 5 million items to define SSD of over 8GB
- Reduced
the steps to remove an item from the array
- Added
ArrayTokenInterface to the Array token that provides a improvement
- Append
to Array uses system.ArrayCopy that is now much faster
- Fixed the priority inversion in the
Circular Queue
- Always pick the first empty one
- Reduce the number of circular queues
and the length of each
- Speed up of event updates in Circular
- Reduced the number of methods and
associated variables
- Changed data structure save to integer
tokens to reduce memory size and speed up processing
- Virtual Machine
- Speed up the block variables by
changing the hashmap storage method
- Supports Java 7. Moving to Java 8
- Reduce internal data sizes to speed up
- Restart
- Pause model and save
states/events/queues/memory content to file
- Restart later from this point onwards
- Future feature is to change memory
values and virtual machine code. Can do it manually now.
- Reduces simulation time for both
debugging and repeated runs
- Interface to FPGA Board
- Connect the model to a FPGA board
- Check implementation in the system
- Speed up complex processing using FPGA
- Can be used to connect to any device
- Upgrade C++ code interface
- Can connect to any compiled, executable
or other code
- Can be triggered by input or
- Upgrade to RapidIO 3.1
- Time Triggered Ethernet
- Ethernet- Audio Video Bridging
- Processor- Pre-emption
- CAN Fast Data Rate
- Upgrade for PCIe
- Zynq-7000
- OpenFlow Switch
Notes for
New Features
- Block
breakpoints can be unchecked when the model is paused by arriving at a
Breakpoint. This means that the model can proceed from that point
onwards without stopping for this breakpoint.
- Classes
(XML and Java) can now be located anywhere, as far as the root
directory is in the CLASSPATH. Also special characters can be
included in the directory name and the directory can on a different
- Full
support for Verilog
- Full
support for Dynamic Instantiation including dynamic instance creation,
support for all blocks and memories, show instances on the Editor and
Listen to Block at all instances
- Highlights
exact block that has the error in a multi-level model.
- Time
to open a new model has been reduced considerably, especially for large
overlap problem has been fixed
- “stop
animation” is no longer required before performing a second “Animate
- Interaction
between Digital debugger and Animation has been resolved. Model can be
animated in debug mode
- Undo
option to restore on accidental deletion of dependent Parameters and
BDE components is improved
- As
a new feature the parameter name and memory names must not overlap
- Specific
sequence of connections for Multiports is not required any more
- Block
with error during simulation will be highlighted in Instances, classes
and Hierarchical blocks with more than 3 levels.
- Release
all memory at the end of a simulation. Reduces memory usage
significantly in all models.
- RegEx
and Java function to create and cancel a event using a ID.
- New
version of Explorer with a Pup-Up VisualSim Architect on the Web
- Export
to HTML has now a configuration for view-only, simulation and popup
- Upgrade
jar files for Java 1.7_u51
- New
library: AFDX
- New
Library: Audio Video Bridging
- New
Library- Xilinx Zynq 7000
- New
Library: Autosar
- RegEx:
18 new RegEx functions
- Support
for Java 1.7 and Java 1.7 64-bit
- Added
Preemption to Processor with an example for external processing
- Added
Duplex to the Routing Table Database
- Use
the Routing_Table without the Node blocks
- New
RegEx function for Add and remove a link
- Added
a Block Reference parameter to the Virtual Machine. This will enable
blocks used in Hierarchical and Class instance to be used without
having to enter a unique value for the parameter in each instance.
- Support
for Java Debugger Eclipse in VisualSim.
- Auto-identification
for port types, primarily for plotters
- Documentation
upgraded with added links to video tutorials for the most commonly-used
- Java
custom code block template
to Existing Features
- PCIe
and SRIO upgraded with more statistics and increased accuracy in the
- Added
a Parameter_List as a Text style window to the Virtual_Machine block,
which list the current hidden parameters
- Documentation
update for the Virtual Connection blocks in Basic Technology document
- Added
a rmiregistry port value in Config.Properties for the License Manager
- getBlockStatus
will work exactly the same as today if there is no assignment for the
LHS. If there is a assignment on the LHS, then the port token will not
be updated and the assignment will work.
- Virtual
Machine documentation has been updated to better explain the role of
- Added
a LHS assignment for the operation of the QUEUE and TIMEQ in the
Virtual Machine
- Added
error message to the Virtual Machine if the CALL to a sub-routine is
not a Data Structure.
- Modified
the saving mechanism so that the neew data is stored both in memory and
on disk. This way changes are never lost.
- Normalized
the use of strings irrespective of the content. This ensured
the behavior will always be the same, irrespective of usage.
- Added
another level of saving to Virtual Machine that ensures the code is
always updated in the XML file.
- Python
and a number of optional library blocks were not opening the block on
machines that had a space in the Install Path. The .bat and
files have been updated to make sure that these blocks will open
irrespective of whether there is space or not in the directory path.
- Support
readFile() in Expression Evaluator
- Added
gif/png support for model and plotter view in Explorer
- Split
the Getting Started document into Installation Guide and the Getting
Started document. Also added more details for troubleshooting
- Added
over 20 videos on the use of different library blocks and methodology
- Support
for Auto Queue/TIMEQ, Event Queue sizing
- Number_of_Events
and Number_of_Queues have been made to Auto size
- Added
documentation in the tutorial for using a Eclipse debugger in VisualSim
for new Java block development
- readFile
in Virtual Machine parameter can support relative path
- Added
support for a field of a data structure to be data structure
- Plot
attributes can be defined as parameters
- Added
browse ability for Instantiate Entity
- Support
for Autocast between double, integer and long
- Recent
Files added
- Made
"Pause" more responsive in models that complete very fast or have very
few events
- Model
does not freeze when the simulation is executing and the user tries to
perform an action. All actions are saved until after the
simulation has completed.
- The
Instantiate Entity remembers the last opened directory
- All
statistics blocks support the use of parameters for the Min and Max
values. Also the Batch_Count can now be 1.
- Instantiate
Entity works when the Class and directory name are the same
- Fixed
the issue where an unsaved model does not display the content of the
- Check
for parameter on the LHS of a expression in the Virtual Machine.
- Added
support for cache and DRAM to use the Routing Table information and the
- Modified
Qualtity-shared block for dimension to start at 1, using data
structures for statistics, and priority is also 1 based.
- All
events are checked to make sure they are sent out at a future time.
- Processor,
Bus and Network Nodes now add any required fields that are not included
in the incoming data structure.
- The
incoming data structure to the Processor only requires the
A_Destination, A_Priority and A_Instruction. All other fields
- Enable
I_O block to use Long data type for Address.
- MatLab
has been tested for Visual Studio 2013 aand MatLab r2010. A script for
the compile is included in /bin directory.
- All
Plotters now have a General data type on the input port. This
eliminates the need to change conencted device port type.
Notes for 1310
Block Diagram Editor
- Find/Search
of the library block list in the folder
- Find/search
in the Model
- Folder
Tree can directly open the instance of the Hierarchical block
- Drag-n-drop
a Hierarchical block from the Folder Tree
- Export
to png, gif and html for model
- Export
to png, gif and html for plots
- Export
to Clipboard for plots
- Import
library directly in UserLibrary
- Error
highlights the hierarchical block down to the root block
- Error
in port type highlights the connected ports
- Triangle
in the Menu Bar to open the level above
- Listing
of Recent Files opened and Saved
- Shared
folder no longer available. Consolidated with the UserLibrary
- Instantiate
Entity has a File Chooser button
- Pause
works with Animation
- Set
Breakpoints can now be turned off when the simulation pauses at the
- DigitalDebugger
and Virtual Machine debugging will display the current simulation time
on the status bar at the bottom left for every pause.
- Save
Block in Bookmarks is now Save Block in Library
- Corrected
spelling error in Listen to Simulator
- Updated
links in the Architect Index page to the New Mirabilis Design Website
- Removed
the File menu in the Virtual Machine script Editor. On close,
pop-up will ask to "apply" or "discard changes".
- Added
support for relative paths for the Virtual Machine script location
- In
Virtual_Machine, Virtual_Machine_Untimed and Smart_Controller blocks,
the Listen to Block will display the address of each script
- Virtual_Machine,
Virtual_Machine_Untimed and Smart_Controller has a Block_Path parameter
that can be used to uniquely name the block.
- RegEx
calculations can be performed in the RHS of the Optional_Parameters
in the Virtual_Machine,
Virtual_Machine_Untimed and Smart_Controller
- Added
VS_Model_Library as the default location to host all user library, XML
classes and documentation
- Mouse
wheel support provided for the model block diagram editor
- Fixed
problem with opening the Python script
- Expression
Evaluator can read a text file
- Export
to HTML packages all the required content for viewing and simulating in
the browser
- Export
to Web creates a image within a html page
- Hidden
parameters of the Virtual_Machine, Virtual_Machine_Untimed and
Smart_Controller have been provided in a single parameter list
- Added
support for Eclipse debugging of custom java block. Details
available in chapter 5.
- Added
an icon for generating png outputs from plots from within Explorer
New Blocks, RegEx and Model Templates
- Auto
library containing flexray, CAN and Autosar components
- Usage
templates for the Auto library
- Monitor
bock to provide list/plot of transactions
- Demo
example for Monitor block
- New
array search RegEx functions-Find, circularFind, search and
- New
Data Structure search functions-setFields, getFields, removeFields,
missingFields to allow processing of several fields
operation RegEx- myWarning, myQuestion
- Added
support for autosizing of all the internal queus and events for all the
blocks using them.
- Removed
the Maximum number of queues and events in the VirtualMachine,
VirtualMachineUntimed and SmartController
- Added
a new data type called data_struct or data_structure for use as
embedded data structure in the data structure template
- Support
upto 32 levels of embedded data structures
- Completely
update virtual machine, array RegEx and data structure Rex documentation
- Added
a new Classes and Library tutorial
- Support
for BREAK keword in SWITCH/CASE expressionsVirtual_Machine,
Virtual_Machine_Untimed and Smart_Controller
- Virtual_Machine,
Virtual_Machine_Untimed and Smart_Controller: Single Cycle,
Breakpoint allows user to List Memories? (all block level
memories) for each statement. In addition each
will execute 10 statements.
- Virtual_Machine,
Virtual_Machine_Untimed and Smart_Controller:
Add_Scheduler_Times_to_DS parameter set to true enables all
- Virtual_Machine,
Virtual_Machine_Untimed and Smart_Controller: Port_Order_Array
parameter allows user to set the order of processing for transactions
arriving at the same time at multiple input ports
Bug Fixes
- Force
saving of XML file when the Virtual Machine has been modified
- Support
for strings and quotation marks
- Keywords
cannot be used as string arguments in the TIMEQ and QUEUE blocks
- Removed
extra simulator port event in custom Java blocks with more than one
- Instruction trace
at bottom of while loop, was GTO, not BCH (branch) for Virtual Machine,
Virtual Machine Untimed and Smart controller
- Processor
block plotting: event processing
- Scheduler_SW
and Scheduler_HW: Order of execution fixed for Power_Manager cycles
- Pipeline_All_Ports_Fast
and VM_Processor instances: Updated to support INT + FP execution units
Bus mode: Updated to support cache miss from slave
- irand(n)
and irand(n) repeated the same values more often than
permitted when created new each time in a small loop
- Listen
to Simulator display of the Digital Run and Summary of the
digitalDebugger now supports 80 characters, instead of 48
- Updated
documentation for Node and the ParameterSet blocks
Notes for 1230
- Modified
getBlockStatus to be consistent over all blocks and for all the usage
- Added
support for array, copy.fieldname for all the operating blocks in
- Application
Interface block now supports blocking and non-blocking modes.
code can start excuting from where the function stopped to get data or
add a delay in the VisualSim model.
- Added
support for SRIO for over 100 nodes for the channels between node.
- Updated
Processor for return from DMA and external schedulers
- Enhanced
the Scheduler blocks for support when the first transaction arrives at
time 0.0
- Updated
PCIe to support channels and a number of new features
- Added
demonstration exampe for the dicrete optimizer. Those that
interested in the block, please contact Mirabilis Design Technical
Notes for 1210 |
Fixes, Improvements
- Display,
TimedPlotter, XYPlotter, DS_Timed_Plotter, DS_XYPlotter, Histogram file
paths were updated to support URI for file path. This includes support
for http format.
- Added
-path support to the Batch Mode Simulation for saving the summary file
to a named directory.
- Updated
the Spacewire blocks to support flow control, jitter and error checking.
- Added
delay support for the central switch for the Serial Rapid IO block.
Also added dynamic voltage change and ability to shutdown multiple
- Network
blocks were updated to support improved routing algorithm called A*
using a distance plus cost heuristic function. This improves
the original Dijkstra routing algorithm with improved performance.
- DS_Timed_Plotter
improvements to trace field versus
legend color assignments.
- DS_XYPlotter improvements
to legend
color assignments.
- Processor
block updated to allow for tabs (\t) in the Processor_Setup window,
annotate a REJECT field on the reject_out port, added support for N
instructions per cycle ending properly in some scenarios.
- DRAM improvements
for refresh scenarios.
- Counter
blocks simplified operation to make them more intuitive.
- Resource_FCFS
blocks improved the utilization mean calculation timing points.
- Resource_QS_Allocate
blocks improved the statistics to include Quantity_Used_Min, Quantity_Used_Mean, Quantity_Used_StDev, Quantity_Used_Max
to common queue statistics.
- Updated
Processor block to support 100% Register hit access.
- Removed
the Blocking Switch and replaced with the Switch and a Blocking
Mechanism parameter.
- Added
support for setting the folder to save the batch mode summary output to
a specific file.
- Support
for dynamic frequency change in processor
- New
statistics for the processor block
- Support
for ++ and -- in Virtual Machine
- PCIe
upgraded for credit policy, overhead and 8 Master and 8 Slave channels.
Html Exporter
is an automation of the documentation output from VisualSim.
generated files can be loaded onto Explorer for viewing and simulation
from within a Web Browser.
is an automation of the documentation output from VisualSim.
generated files can be loaded onto Explorer for viewing and simulation
from within a Web Browser.
- Channel_N block updated with
a parameter to designate the channel number.
- Channel_Basic,
Channel_N blocks now support getBlockStatus functions: length, array of
busy channels, copy of data structure, take of data structure, and
statistics. getBlockStatus (Block_Name, "length") typical
- Improved DEBUG messages to
make them simpler, easier to understand.
- Improved
statistics so they
are more consistent, easier to understand: Number_Entered,
Number_Exited, Number_Rejected, Occupancy_Min, Occupancy_Mean,
Occupancy_StDev, Occupancy_Max, Total_Delay_Min, Total_Delay_Mean,
Total_Delay_StDev, Total_Delay_Max.
- Added
new power library blocks- Power_Genertor, Power_Traffic, App_Database,
Mech_Database, Resources_Modal_FSMs, Execute, Clk_ISR, Latency_Plot,
- Ability
to create a power-oriented model with pre-defined blocks.
- User
can utilize a standard FSM with states for standby, suspend, off,
active, and init (startup). User inputs suspend timer in
off timer in seconds, standby transitions cycles, suspend transition
cycles, and off transition cycles.
- Added
ability to extract array of record tokens with a single field record
token using array function MyArray.common(SingleFieldRecordToken).
- Token.random()
functions now use the same
functionality as RegEx random functions.
- String.check()
now checks for virtual references,
memory references, or parameter references.
- RecordToken.check(FieldName)
returns true if the data structure contains the field name.
is identical function as
- Array.clear()
will clear an array of strings with "" for each element.
- Support
for special math functions in the Virtual machine,
Virtual_Machine_Untimed and Smart_Controller.
- Demonstrations
systems for networking
- Demonstration
systems for power
- Provided
a detailed list of error messages for the License Server debugging
- New
Chapter on file formats in the different blocks
Notes for 1030
- Processing
block has a unique ID for each instance in the model
- Removed
blank opening Block Diagram window
- Removed
debugging output to the command line for models containing C++ and
SystemC blocks
- Eliminated
the need for "dos2unix" and "chmod +x" during installation on Unix
- SystemC
template now supports both hardware and system modeling methodology
- Included
user compile instructions for the MatLab interface
New Library Blocks
- ARINC 664
- Serial Rapid IO with support
for all possible topologies
- Serial Switch
- Spacewire
- Channel_N
Current Block Enhancements
- Created
new test methodology and test cases for all of the major library blocks
- Smart_Timed_Resource:
Added array for time field in the SLOT mode. Every SLOT can
have a different time duration
- Added
instruction profile output for the Virtual Machine
- Support
for Virtual Machine debugging and pause within a Loop
- Support
for profile in Virtual Machine
- Added
error message when simulation time exceeded the time resolution
- Relative
and absolute file path format has been made consistent in UNIX and
Windows for Database, Reader, Writers, Traffic and Power_Manager blocks
- Added
multi-instruction and multi-processor support for the
Listen-to-Pipeline for the Processor block
- Scheduler_HW
now supports transition cycles used by the power manager
- Scheduler_HW
also support external RegEx processing through the output port
- Power_Manager,
Database and Traffic blocks support Parameter and RegEx operations for
initial value of the rows
- Smart_Timed_Resource
now supports power for each channel
- Speed
of SystemC improved by elimination of debug overhead in the template
- Made
sure that the SystemC time resolution did not cause multiple event
GUI, Installer,
Infrastructure, License and
- Round
all simulation
time accuracy to time resolution
- New
Look and Fell for
the Block Diagram Editor, Dialog Windows and Plotters
- Added
Scrollbar and
limited the size of Parameter window
- Improved
performance of GUI response time
- Computer Model
- Models for using
Serial Rapid IO
- Spacewire
example model
demonstration model
- Demonstration
model for ARINC 653
- Digital Audio
- FPGA and
Board-level model
- Software task
methodology has a power version
- Switched
ethernet model
- Updated Nehalem
processor models for simplified
input trace file
- Model of a
multi-board system using FPGAs.
- Model to
demonstrate the profile feature of the
Virtual Machine
- Example models
for all the Stats blocks
- Created
table in Basic Technology document to map system modeling requirements
to appropriate library blocks
- Added
documentation for all the support string functions
- Added
examples for all regEx functions
- Updated
documentation for new installer
- New
training material supporting all the new fucntionality and methodology
- Tutorials
have been simplified with more diagrams and less narration
- Updated
SystemC tutorials to support all variations of timed communication
between SystemC and VisualSim
- Simulator
was generating events on variable rounding values of the simulator
- Cycle_Accurate_Cache
was not prefetching properly for L2, L3 levels.
- Memory_Controller
was not processing multiple burst transactions correctly.
- Fixed
BasicQueue, PriorityQueue searching for E-14 time resolution events.
- Simulator
was scheduling multiple statistics events at end of simulation.
- Eliminated
a source of memory leak because of the simulator queue building up the
queue depth without clearing out finished items. Now there is no memory
leak even for models running 10 days
- Support
for intelligent
prefetching, meaning not prefetching an address already being
prefetched or a miss in progress.
- Improved
cache associativity processing to array manipulation instead of looping
through each associative address to improve performance.
- Improved
DEBUG messages to
make them simpler, easier to understand.
- Improved
statistics so they
are more consistent, easier to understand.
- Improved
timing of cycle
accurate clocks.
- Removed
dependency on
A_Task_ID field internally.
- Least
Recently Used (LRU) now
supports N Way Associativity.
- Support
for Next_Memory_Bus
(true) separating request and miss/prefetch on separate busses.
- Validated
Read, Write, Read/Write, Write/Read burst model timing against RTL
- Support
for fragmenter
entering the Memory_Controller (MC) based on BL and memory width.
- MC
Fragmenter returns
incoming Event_Name after fragmentation complete.
- MC
generates a new Event_Name to Command Queue.
- Increased
performance of the MC by improving the array processing functions, see
RegEx Arrays.
- Improved
the MC clock
alignment using IEEEremainder function.
- Created
standalone model, named Memory_Controller_Tracer, to transform the MC
DEBUG text information into detailed plots containing tRAS, tRP, tRCD,
Read Sequential, Write Sequential, Read_Cycles, Write_Cycles, tRL, tWL,
- Created
model, named Compare_Monitor_Files, to trace transactions
entering exiting MC + HW_DRAM.
- Reduced
number of
Threads generated in HW_DRAM by 8 to improve performance.
- Added
new library blocks- VCD_Writer, Cycle_accurate_Cache, Rapid IO Node,
SpaceWire Node, Link, Core, Switch Ethernet, Application Interface,
Database, CORBA
- Added
power support for all queues of the Smart_Timed_Resource
- Timing
Diagram blocks supports DRAM, AXI and Memory Controller plotting
- Cache
and Memory statistics are now long values to support large number of
requests beyond 4 billion
- DS_xTime_yData
and DS_xData_yData support Save/view and are linked to the Post
- Added
support for all UNIX versions in the APplication Interface block
- Created
a new infrastructure to generate cache request traces for application
- Added
Qemu environment to the VisualSIm package for running virtual OS on 6
different processors- SH4, MIPS, ARM, ARM Cortex, Intel x86, SPARC and
Intel x86_64
- Added
conolidated statistics generation for the Android SDK tool
GUI, Installer,
Infrastructure, License and
- New
fully merged
single installer for Post Processor, Architect and License Manager
- Updated
Website with complete documentation available
- Improved
simulator processing of cycle accurate models to consistently convert
simulator time as a double value into an internal long representation
based on the timeResolution of the Digital
- Added
initialization time to the command line out
- Added
the number of
events for each sub-block
- Reduced
the time
lookup overhead for multi-domain simulations
- Eliminated
for port width search at run-time
- Virtual_Machine,
Smart_Controller blocks updated to improve event processing for cycle
accurate models by maintaining the order of internal threads generated
at the same clock resolution. In addition, events generated
WAIT(), TIMEQ() functions maintain the same time resolution, order for
clock timed events.
- Improved
performance for cycle accurate models.
- Added
new functions for obtaining common values and
indices of arrays.
- Added
standard functions into tokens
- Support
for empty array in extract function
- Support
all Java string functions
- Added
new update Power RegEx for the
- Demonstrations
systems for important RegEx functions
- Models of the
Xeon, Opteron, Cevatek and Nehalem
- Models for
system scheduling, licensing management
and cluster organization
- Demonstration
system for the Application Interface
- Demonstration
examples for the basic modeling
blocks such as clocks, events, viewers etc.
- New
demonstration for the Rapid IO, Spacewire,
Memory Controller and Cycle Accurate Cache
- New flow control
model with explanation
- Hardware and
software methodology models
- Android Model
with CORBA interface to the Android
- Models to
demonstrate Database and CORBA blocks
- Models for
Virtual Channels and Network-on-Chip
- Model for Bank
Teller, Reliability and Functional
- Power models for
- Demonstration
for the Colt distribution functions
- New
demonstrations for usage and power modeling of
the Scheduler_HW, Scheduler_SW and Smart_Timed_Resource
- Memory
Controller + HW_DRAM documentation now includes timing diagrams, more
detailed explanation.
- Newer
version installer for all products
- Documentation
for the Processor, VCD_Writer, Cycle_Accurate-Cache, Memory_Controller,
HW_DRAM, Rapid IO, Spacewire
- Updated
examples for all regEx functions
- Added
RegEx string operator page
- New
examples for applications in Getting Started document
- Updated
Basic Technology document
- Documentation
for the Switched Ethernet
- Many
template models have explanation in the body of the model
- More
explanation to the library block templates
- New
organization of all the demonstration models according to the library
- New
organization of all application templates according to usage
- Search
engine covers all parts of the application
Notes for 930
in power manager
average power and cumulative power for each device. Fixed.
a new field to the power manager for both the blocks and the total
to hold the average.
clock, pulse,
ramp for the new Time class
- IN
Block inside a hierarchical block now generates an event to guarantee
continued processing.
- Cache,
DRAM, Processor, IO blocks updated for parameter consistency.
- DS_While
block updated for a looping issue.
- Register_Expr_N,
Register_N updated for parameter consistency.
- DS_Timed_Plotter,
DS_XYPlotter, HistogramPlotter, TimedPlotter, XYPlotter updated for
consistent parameter usage.
- Schedulers,
Resource_*, Queue_* blocks updated for common statistics.
director block updated for operation with Digital Only simulator.
- Support
for arrays in memory init for single value
- Virtual
Machine- Open Block will open a file if the script is in a
text file
- Parameters
cannot be used on the LHS of a expression
- Removed
over 40 Null Pointer Exceptions
- Support
for address
pipeline in AHB Bus
- Adding
extra cycle to
any transaction in AHB Bus
- Defining
number of cycles for Split and Retry operation in AHB Bus
- Support
for memory
variable (boolean value) to initiate Retry in AHB Bus. Current support
was only for Cache and DRAM blocks.
- Simplified
custom flow
RegEx functions for Linear Bus. Reduce the number of
variables and consolidated some functions
- Support
for sending
first or last word for the AHB and Linear Bus
bus supports single
and dual request channel
- Support
for text file
script to define custom arbitration AXI Bus
- Accelerated
the AXI bus
by over 10X
- Added
acknowledge for both Master and Slave side for AXI Bus
- New
statistics for the AXI Bus
- Support
sending first
or last word for the AXI Bus
- Support
for custom
arbiter in text file for memory controller
- Added
4 more scenarios
for latency in HW_DRAM
- Support
acknowledgement for Bus interface
- Support
for multiple
independent Banks
- Support
for Bank
switching time- trrd
- Provide
greater visibility to the type of operation by defining the operation
in the memory controller. These include Read_Sequential,
Read_Non_Sequential etc.
- Added
to each write
computes the
processing time
- Support
for writing to
actual memory. Commented out but user can add to their flow.
- Modified
code for
- Support
for SystemC
2.2 on Linux
- Support
for TLM 2.0 on
- Add
a initiator
template block to the library
- Added
a tutorial for
- Added
a new TLM
example for integration of VisualSim standard library and TLM
- Added
Debug resolution
to determine the amount execution details printed to command-line
- Added
functions to
eliminate the struct definition for the input and output ports
GUI, Installer,
Infrastructure, License and
- Added
Toolbar item for
easy jump to the next-level (Up) of a hierarchical block
- Modified
icons of the
Virtual Machine and Hierarchical blocks to be UML compatible
- Added
support for
images in icons using the Custom Icon Editor
now contains Final
- Post
Processor now
support FlexLM
- Command-line
writes simulation execution report to a file on success, failure, time
spent and memory consumed.
- Command-line
catches error messages and writes to report file
- Added
write to file
for Block listener for the Virtual Machine, Virtual Machine Untimed and
Smart Controller
- Added
a profiler to Virtual Machine, Virtual Machine Untimed and Smart
Controller to view the time allocated, number of times executed and
total time allocated.
- New
installer than
consolidates the License Manager, Architect and Post Processor
- Step-by-step
instructions for installer
- Support
for standalone
library custom code destination
- New
blocks to support
CORBA and Database drivers
- Display
Display_Fast support Save to File to option
- Added
setup of
Display, Display, DS_xTime_yData and DS_xData_yData blocks to the
- Reorganized
and interfaces into separate directory section for easier access
- Script
has been moved
one-level higher
- Block
with the error
is now highlighted
- Added
new functions for single and multi-level
array processing.
- Functions
for handling events and
clocks. This is different from a simple delay.
- Event-based
- Clock-based
- Timed-based
- Random
number generators
- Added
standard functions into tokens for faster
- New demo for
event-based traffic generators
- Examples for
Split and checking remote destination
memory for Retry in AHB
- Retry example
for Linear AHB
- Added example
for single core and multi-core
architecture exploration for Android
- Model of the
Intel 4-core Nehalam processor
- Updated Dynamic
Instantiate example system
- Examples for all
the RegEx functions available
- Exception
messages in Processing, Decision blocks improved.
- Cache,
DRAM, Processor, IO blocks Exception messages updated for
consistent format.
- New
Getting Started Document
- New
video training including Introduction to VisualSim- video of the class
- New
video training for using the SystemC TLM block
- Updated
Basic Technology document
- Updated
AHB Bus block documentation
- Detailed
information on internal operation and using events for the AXI Bus
- New
front page and model pages
- Added
index and search for the Block, RegEx and Tutorial documentation
- Better
organization and recommended flows for documentation
- Video
tutorials for the installation
- Front
page can be access from Help->About.
- Single
installer for all products
Notes for 910
- DS_xTime_yData now
supports TNow in the RegEx
- Power_Manager will not
have any transition cycles if the Enable_Transition_Cycles is disabled.
- Parameter name cannot
be used as a block memory name in the Virtual Machine
- Automatic cast from
RHS to LHS has been reduced to only the standard list in the RegEx
section of the Basic Technology Document
- New videos of the
Installation of Architect, Explorer, Post Processor and License Manager
- SystemC TLM block
support native SystemC TLM import
- New installer that
supports automatic reference for FlexLM
- Expanded the number of
keywords for the Search Engine
- Basic Technology
contains a number of new sections
- Mobile license
facility for FlexLM
- New demonstrations for
the RegEx functions
- RegEx functions are
now included in the Block Documentations ection for easy access and
- Smart_Resources now
support default for not using Priority field
- New DS_To_Excel block
supports write to file, column headers and formating
- Removed local language
support for the installer
- Removed separate test
for the Java JDK in installer
- Added separators
between user input in installer
- Added radio buttons
for selecting the License Manager
- Now concatenations of
names can support N number of strings and parameters
- RegEx- write_to_file-
Removed spaces at end
- RegEx- appendFile-
Removed spaces at end
- Linear Bus and AHB Bus
support Round-Robin arbitration
- Video description of
Opening a modeling, running a model and constructing the first model
- Documentation supports
FlexLM licensing
- Batch
mode simulation has a print-out to a text file at the end of each
simulation. The text file will be in the $VS install directory.
- VisualSim
now supports FlexLM as a licensing options. The current
is for Sparc Solaris 64-bit Operating System for the License Server.
- Accelerated scalar and
arrays tokens with embedded methods for improved search and retrieval
during simulation
- Support
for events
User Interface
- Added
Find and Replace
for all Text Editors
- Fixed
the Full Screen
to not replicate the toolbar for every selection
- Added
debugging for the Virutal Machine
- New
Library called Memory. Library is
located in Hardware_Modeling.
- New
block: Memory_Controller
- New
Block: HW_Cache
- New
Block: HW_DRAM
- New
Block: AXI_Flow_Control
- New
Block: Custom_CPP
- Timing
Diagram: Added AXI and Memory Controller
- AXI-
Added timing diagram with multiple colors
- AXI-
Enhanced the flow control to be built-in and
no longer require a bridge.
- AXI-
Support for first or last word out
- AXI-
Added output queues
- AXI-
Support Request-Acknowledge mode for the
Traffic Generator and AXI Bus
Bus: Supports output for last word
- Linear
Controller: Support for first word only
- Linear
Controller: AHB mode checkbox is now a
separate block
- RegEx
Functions: checkField
- RegEx Functions:
- RegEx Functions:
- RegEx Functions:
setValue in scalar tokens
- Events: New features
for trigger activity without wires and clocks functions.
- RegEx Functions:
- RegEx Functions: Event
- RegEx Functions: WAIT
for event in the Virtual Machine, Smart Controller
- Events: New features
for trigger activity without wires and clocks functions.
- RegEx Functions:
- RegEx Function:
containsRecordTokenLabel to data structure
- Virtual Machine:
Support both global and local virtual connection
- Virtual Machine:
Supports breakpoint on address
Demonstration Systems
- Added demo
models for the HW Cache, Memory
Controller, AXI Flow Control, Processor to write buffer, HW DRAM models.
- Add new demos
for RegEx functions- readAllVirtual,
setValue and checkAssertion
- Created a new block
documentation listing with search and index.
- All block
documentation has been updated to a new consistent format
- All block
documentation are associated with a demo model to explain the features
- Block documentation
has direct reference to the detailed documentation
- Basic technology in a
new format with more content
- RegEx has examples and
format information
- Tutorials have been
updated with more explanations
- All error messages now
follow a standard format with a error, short description, error code
and resolution suggestions.
- New Tutorials format.
All tutorials are combined into one book.
- Getting Started and
Tool introduction are in Video.
- New documentation for
the AXI, AHB and Linear Bus
- Class Notes have been
updated for the new libraries and contains flow diagrams for all the
Hardware blocks.
- Some
of your models may open with errors and not run correctly.
The stats_in and stats_out ports of the Scheduler_SW,
Scheduler_HW, Smart_Resource and Smart_Controllers have been removed.
This will not affect the operation of the model.
You will need to manually go in and edit the models for the
- Remove
the stats_in and stats_out port if it still exists in the model. To do
this, Right-click on the block->Configure->Port. The two
ports will be at the bootm of the list. Select the name and
click on Remove.
- To
get the statistics for these blocks, use the new
Resource_Statistics_Report bloc located in
Performance_Modeling->Results or
- The
Soft_Gen block has been updated. You will need to manualy
update this block in your existing models. You need to do two
- Remove
the two parameters- Number_Instruction_Type and Processor_Speed_Mhz.
To do this, open the parameter window and click on Remove.
Select the parameter, one at a time.
- Right-click
on the block and select "Open Instance". Remove the block in
the model titled uEngine_Script.
- The
statistics for the Smart_Resource, TimedQueue, EventQueue and
Schedulers have now been consolidated to have the same set of fields.
Any models you have that uses these fields may need to be
adjusted to the new field names.
- Resource_Statistics_Report:
Central location to
generate/reset statistics for all the Schedulers, Smart_Resource and
Smart_Timed_Resource a model. This block can be customized
for the user needs.
- Smart_Timed_Resource: New block
in Smart_Resource
Folder and available as a standard upgrade. This can be used
as a Timed version of the Smart_Resource with an extra option of SLOT
- PCIe:
Available now as a library element in the
Folder. Look in Hardware->Emerging_Bus->PCIe_bus
- AXI:
Available now as a library element in the
Folder. Look in
- Bridge: Updated to be full
fledged block and
located in Hardware->Bus_Switch_Ctrl Folder. Check the example
in Pre-Built_Models->Using Hardware Architecture Blocks
- Switch: Updated to be full
fledged block
and located in Hardware->Bus_Switch_Ctrl Folder. Check the
example in Pre-Built_Models->Using Hardware Architecture Blocks
- Blocking_Switch:
Updated to be full fledged block
and located in Hardware->Bus_Switch_Ctrl Folder. Check the
example in Pre-Built_Models->Using Hardware Architecture Blocks
- RegEx
and "Smart_Controller" adds script support for SWITCH, CASE, CALL,
RETURN to increase functionality, reduce script size, improve
performance over multiple if, else-if, else statements.
- RegEx
"Virtual_Machine" and "Smart_Controller" adds ability to reference file
for script, and save reference file, parsed file. Improves
for large models.
- RegEx adds the ability
to directly select an array element or array index randomly.
- RegEx adds the ability
to directly increment or decrement an interger, long, or double.
- RegEx adds the ability
to directly generate a random number from an integer, long, or double.
- SoftGen instruction
generator adds selection, random, or continuous loop selection.
Debug mode added for large task lists.
- AXI Bus Architectural
Model adds user access to internal master, slave transaction arrays,
including an external throttle control mechanism. User can
select either Round Robin or Fixed Priority for each Slave port.
User can alter the Fixed Priority order of Master port
processing. Support for multiple AXI Bus layers added.
Master and Slave thresholds can be set for each port.
AXI Bus ships with eight master ports, four slave ports and can be
easily expanded to 12 master ports, 6 slave ports. Debug mode
added to trace transtions in and out of ports.
- PCIe Bus updated for
easier extension
- Queues,
Timed Queues, Schedulers, Virtual Machines now support a common
statistics data structure.
- Added
AXI, PCIe Bus demonstration models.
- Using
Architecture blocks