Performance analysis and early architecture exploration ensures that you will select the right hardware/software platform and achieve optimal partitioning of the application onto available resources. In product design, three factors are certain: specifications change, non-deterministic traffic and faster processing resources. Products operate where processing and resource consumption are a function of the data and user […]
Incremental design issues in Avionics System
Incremental Designs are common and highly practiced approach in every avionics system design process. Designing a new system from ground-up is prone to multiple issues right from technical to overall cost required. Even a minor up gradation of application software may cause huge impact on the overall system performance and power consumption. Predicting system performance […]
ESL and IC-only Solutions are not the same
Most articles on ESL cover the IC-only design or a virtual prototyping environment for software development. Articles would be accurate if systems were simple and ICs were the only parts in a complete product. Unfortunately for an already confused industry, everyone mixes ESL and IC, seeming to imply that ESL tools aren’t needed. Remember that […]
System-level Models- How well do they correlate with the implementation?
System engineers and hardware/software architects are always worried about the correlation between a system-level model and RTL. Also, can a system-level model achieve the fidelity and accuracy of the actual implementation. We at Mirabilis Design, have evolved a methodology that allows the user to create a design flow that incorporates all the checks and balances […]