Queuing with finite processing time
The Server emulates an active resource in the transaction flow. When the transaction reaches the head of the Queue, it has a fixed delay before being dequeued. The Queue portion is similar to the above Queue Resource.
The Server is a tandem resource with multiple “queue plus server” resource. Each queue+Server is maintained independently. Each transaction can have a different delay and priority. The queues are reordered based on the priority.
The processing time is known in advance and provided along with the token to this block. This block has Active and Standby power state and can record the power consumption.
This block can be used to define any action that requires a queue and known delay. Examples are a hardware bus, Egress port or a mission countdown.
Usage and Application Differences between Queue and Server:
There is a unique Server module- Server_N_Priority that has a single queue with multiple Server. This models a multi-core with a single dispatcher or a single queue to an array of bank tellers.