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"This model makes requests to a moving disk with ""Read"" or ""Write"" commands in a field of the incoming data structure. Each request address associates a disk zone (A_Address_Min), disk sector (A_Address_Max) with fields of the DS. Commands alternate ""Read"", ""Write"". The zone and sector are randomized, so the head movement, latency is noticible.
The Disk has a Cache with a user settable threshold for accumulating transactions in the model. When this threshold is reached, then it begins to send transactions to the disk, looking for sequential reads and writes in shortening the head latency. There is a latency for the cache currently in the model, and assumes the cache is within the disk. There is provision for sequential read and write commands in the Traffic Generator. Zone is the classic zoning nomenclature, Sector is for purposes of segmenting the disk, there are Disk parameters that also mention sector, more related to disk tracks where a sector is typically 512 bytes. The Disk does not fragment incoming data structures, assumes they are fragmented and ready for the disk."