The principal focus of our conceptual design verification activities is formal proof that the failures at different levels are correct. Subsequent design and verification activities will be focused on preserving the implementation integrity of the verified algorithms.
Although failure avoidance should be the first and most relevant step, experience shows that people repeatedly struggle with it simply because their processes won’t support it. To effectively avoid defects, one must define, systematically apply, and quantitatively manage the approach.
By completing a gap analysis between the DO-254 and the Automotive ISO-26262, the proposed approach is to map the DO-254 Avionics safety requirements to corresponding artifacts from automotive ISO 26262 certification, thereby leveraging certification efforts for automotive towards a flight safety evidence package. The avionics safety standards do not describe specific requirements and work products needed components to achieve flight safety certification of systems. The focus is on avoidance of catastrophic events by ensuring correct execution (integrity) and continuous operation (availability) in critical situations.
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Authors: Mohini Yadav, Deepak Shankar, and Tom Jose