Table of Content
Model Setup
- Digital Simulator: strat time greater than stop time: model
- Digital Simulator: Transactions generated before DigitalSimulator start time: model
- Digital Simulator: Check box unchecked for parameter "does not stop when queue is empty": model
- VariableList: Multiple variables declared in the VariableList with similar names: model
- VariableList: Expressions used as a value in the Vaiable list: model
- Dynamic Instantiation: block used without digital simulator inside: model
- Traffic: Uniform distribution when value1 is greater than value2: model
- Traffic: Normal distribution when value1 is not four times the value2: model
- Traffic: Uniform distribution when lower bound is greater than upper bound: model
- Traffic: Normal distribution when mean or standard deviation can generate negative time values: model
- Traffic: Datastructure template path error: model
- Traffic: Datastructure template file containing data type missmatched: model
- Traffic Reader: Missmatch occured in data type of the datastructure field: model
- Traffic Reader: File containing undefined data type for the datastructure field: model
- Delay block: invalid datastructure field name: model
- Delay block: no value or expression for delay: model
- Delay: Invalid parameter used as a delay value: model
- TriggeredTraffic: Invalid datastructure name used in the triggeredTraffic block: model
- Text Display: invalid file name provided to SaveFile parameter: model
- Text Display: csv file specified to SaveFile parameter: model
- Text Display: SaveFile parameter checked, but file name not specified: model
- Text Display: low on memery error: model
- Time data plotter: save plot name unspecified : model
- Time data plotter: invalid file specified to save plot: model
- Time data plotter: invalid input provided: model
- XYPlotter: invalid file name provided to saveFile: model
- XYPlotter: save plot checked but file name not specfied: model
- XYPlotter: invalid input given : model
- ResourceStatistics: invalid queue name provided: model
- ResourceStatistics: multiple blocks with simiar name: model
- ResourceStatistics: invalid SystemResource name provided: model
- Statistics: invalid input provided: model
- PLotManager: invalid plot path: model
- File reader: invalid file name provided: model
- File reader: Could not find the file: model
- Database: block Null Poiner Exception : model
- Database: invalid input field to lookup: model
- Database: Invalid regEx function usage: model
- Database: invalid datatype for database element: model
- ExpressionList: connected with defalut expression inside: model
- ExpressionList: port type missmatch: model
- ExpressionList: port name missmatch: model
- ExpressionList: invalid output value: model
- ExpressionList: invalid output condition: model
- ExpressionList: parameter used on LHS: model
- ExpressionList: invalid expressions used: model
- ExpressionList: undefined parameter used in the expression: model
- ExpressionList: with no feed back delay: model
- ExpressionList: invalid comment: model
- Script: invalid output port: model
- Script: simulation performed with default script inside: model
- Script: multiple script block instatiated with similar name: model
- Script: undefined variable or parameter used in the script: model
- Script: invalid port type: model
- Script: invalid LABEL:BEGIN: model
- Script: missing paranthesis: model
- Script: missing curly brace: model
- Script: invalid regEx : model
- IN_OUT: invalid destination name: model
- IN_OUT: local-global destination conflict: model
- Mapper block: invalid time field: model
- Mapper block: double value for Priority: model
- Mapper block: double value for task number: model
- Mapper: block with invalid input: model
- Software mapper: queue overflow: model
- Dynamic mapper: multiple block with similar block names: model
- Dynamic mapper: invalid database provided: model
- Dynamic mapper: without Task_Name field in the database block: model
- SystemResource: invalid SystemResource name: model
- SystemResource: invalid parent SystemResource name: model
- SystemResource: queue overflow: model
- SystemResource_Extend: queue overflow: model
- SystemResource_Extend: invalid connection of SystemResource_Done block: model
- SystemResource_Extend: invalid block name: model
- SystemResource_Extend: multiple blocks with similar name: model
- Queue: datastructure ent to pop input: model
- Queue: multiple block with similar name: model
- Queue: invalid input supplied to the block: model
- Server: invalid input supplied to the block: model
- SystemResource: multiple block with similar name: model
- SystemResource: mapped to itself causing no data to be displayed: model
- Server: multiple blocks with similar name: model
- Queue: queue number chosen beyond maximum: model
- Server: queue number chosen beyond maximum: model
- Server: invalid datastructure field set to Block parameter: model
- Server: invalid datastructure field set to Block parameter: model
- Queue: invalid datastructure field set to Block parameter: model
- Queue: invalid datatype provided for the block parameter: model
- PowerTable: empty manager setup window: model
- PowerTable: value missing in manager setup window: model
- PowerTable: invalid file name: model
- PowerTable: multiple blocks instatiated in the same window: model
- PowerTable: undefined parameter used in the Expresion list: model
- PowerTable: invalid stateChange( ) function used: model
- PowerTable: invalid async state change table usage: model
Hardware Setup
- ArchitectureSetup: Name missmatch occured: model
- ArchitectureSetup: Routing table conflict: model
- DeviceInterface: multiple blocks with similar name: model
- DeviceInterface: invalid IO_Bytes: model
- VCDWriter: missing required fields: model1 model2
- VCDWriter: invalid file path: model
Processor Generator
- Processor: Without Next hop and Destination fields: model
- Processor: Processor block without ArchitectureSetup block: model
- Processor: invalid instruction Set block associated: model
- Processor: invalid instruction format: model
- Processor: Processor instatiated with undefined instruction: model
- Processor: invalid pipeline stage parameter specified: model
- Processor: invalid integer execution unit parameter: model
- Processor: invalid floating execution unit parameter: model
- Processor: invalid cache unit parameter: model
- Processor: processor clock speed lesser than the cache clock speed: model
- Processor: Multiple processor with same name: model
- Instruction Set: defining instruction missing semicolon: model
- Instruction Set: invalid number of clock cycle specified for instruction: model
- Instruction Set: instruction defined without begin and end delimeter: model
- Cache: block with invalid Architecture Setup block: model
- Cache: invalid miss memory name: model
- Task Generator: invalid file path: model
- Task generator invalid mode of operation: model
- Ram block missing Architecture Setup block: model
- RAM block with invalid access time parameter: model
- Cycle Accurate DRAM: Invalid Architecture Setup: model
- Cycle Accurate DRAM: invalid Dram Type: model
- Cycle Accurate DRAN: Invalid parameter for number of banks: model
- Cycle Accurate block with multiple blocks. model
- Memory Controller: Architecture missing: Model
- Memory Controller: invalid burst length: Model
- Memory Controller: Invalid Bus width" model
- Memory Controller: Invalid DRAM type: Model
- Memory Controller: multiple blocks wih similar names Model: Model
Hardware Devices
- BusArbiter with invalid Architecture setup name provided: model
- BusInterface with invalid Architecture setup name provided: model
- BusInterface with invalid bus name: model
- BusInterface with similar bus port names: model
- DMA instatiated with invalid ArchitectureSetup: model
- DMA invalid database file name: model
- DMA with database field missing: model
- DMA invalid FIFO buffer depth specified: model
- Bridge block instatiated without ArchitectureSetup: model