Function & Argument Type(s)
Example |
acos double in the range[-1.0, 1.0] / complex Return Type: double in the range[0.0, pi] / NaN if out of range / complex |
arc cosine complex case |
x = acos(0.0) = 1.5707 |
acosh double greater than 1 / complex Return Type: double / complex |
hyperbolic arc cosine, defined for both double and complex case by: |
x = acosh(1.0) = 0.0 |
asin double in the range[-1.0, 1.0] / complex Return Type: double in the range[-pi/2, pi/2] / NaN if out of range / complex |
arc sine complex case: |
x = asin(1.0) = 1.5707 |
asinh double / complex Return Type: double / complex |
hyperbolic arc sine complex case: |
x = asinh(1.0) = 0.88 |
atan double / complex Return Type: double in the range [-pi/2, pi/2] / complex |
arc tangent complex case: |
x = atan(1.0) = 0.785 |
atan2 double, double Return Type: double in the range [-pi, pi] |
angle of a vector Note: The arguments are (y, x), not (x, y) as one might expect |
x = atan2(2.0,3.0) = 0.588 |
cos double / complex Return Type: double in the range / complex |
cosine complex case: |
x = cos(1.0) = 0.54 |
cosh double / complex Return Type: double / complex |
hyperbolic cosine, defined for double / complex by: |
x = cosh(1.0) = 1.543 |
sin double / complex Return Type: double / complex |
sine function complex case: |
x = sin(1.0) = 0.841 |
tan double / complex Return Type: double / complex |
tangent function, defined for double / complex by: |
x = tan(1.0) = 1.557 |
tanh double / complex Return Type: double / complex |
hyperbolic tangent, defined for double / complex by: |
x = tanh(1.0) = 0.761 |
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