Queue and Scheduler Methods

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Queue and Scheduler Methods


Function & Argument Type(s)






(String Block_name, String Queue_name (Only Script),

String Type, 

int index or Queue, int position)    

For more details on the use of this function, refer to the Regular Expression section of the Basic Technology documentation.

1. Block_name can be the following: 

- Script/Smart_Controller (Input_Queue only)

- SystemResource and SystemResource_Extend

Channel_N, Queue and Server

-Layer Protocol  

2. Queue_name: This is Input_Queue and is used only for the Script, Smart Controller and Untimed Virtual Machine. All other blocks ignore this field

3. The following types are possible: copy, take, pop, stats, length, array and copy.fieldname

index or Queue Number applies only to the Channel_N, Queue and Server. Queue index starts from 1.

Position applies only to Channel_N, Queue and Server. Position starts from 1.

x = getBlockStatus(“Server_Name”, “Any value”, copy, 4, 3)

x = getBlockStatus(“Queue_Name”, “Any value”, pop, 4, 3)

x = getBlockStatus(“SystemResource”, “Any value”, length, 1, 1)

x = getBlockStatus(“Channel_N”, “Any value”, stats, 4, 1)


(String Routing_Table_Name, String "stats", Type)    

Supports the Node blocks to manage the statistics for all Nodes associated with the Routing_Table_Name.
Here are the Type values:
-1 - Generate stats and resets the Routing Table Stats
0 - Generates the statistics
1 - Generates the Routing Table

x = getBlockStatus(“RT”, “stats”, 0)


(String arch_name_, String block_name_)

Obtain the status of the destination device for custom bus flows.  This is returns true for available and false for busy. Available means that the FIFO Buffer has space to accommodate another transaction.

x = getDeviceStatus("Architecture_1","DRAM_1")


(VisualSim.data.Token token,

String return_name, String sched_name,

double task_time,

double tnow,

int task_priority,

int task_id,

boolean mutex)

Schedule a Task.

 Result_A = scheduleTask(input,"Return_IN","MyScheduler",0.5,TNow, 0, 1, false)



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