boolean |
false |
complex |
0.0 + 0.0i |
"C:\VS\VisualSim\data\expr" |
double |
0.0 |
E |
2.718281828459 |
e |
2.718281828459 |
false |
false |
fixedpoint |
fix(0,2,2) |
general |
present |
"C:\Documents and Settings\MDI" |
i |
0.0 + 1.0i |
Infinity |
Infinity |
int |
0 |
j |
0.0 + 1.0i |
long |
0L |
matrix |
[ ] |
MaxDouble |
1.7976931348623E308 |
MaxInt |
nil |
MaxLong |
9223372036854775807L |
MaxUnsignedByte |
255µb |
MinDouble |
4.9E-324 |
MinInt |
-2147483648 |
MinLong |
-9223372036854775808L |
MinUnsignedByte |
0µb |
NaN |
Not a Number |
NegativeInfinity |
-Infinity |
object |
object(null) |
pi or PI |
3.1415926535898 |
PositiveInfinity |
Infinity |
scalar |
present |
string |
"" |
true |
true |
unknown |
present |
unsignedByte |
0µb |
VS |
"C:\VisualSim\VS_AR" or "/user/VisualSim/VS_AR" |
The constants i and j are the imaginary number with value equal to the square root of -1. The constant NaN is "not a number" which for example is the result of dividing 0.0/0.0. The constant Infinity is the result of dividing 1.0/0.0.
The constants that start with "Max" and "Min" are the maximum and minimum values for their corresponding types.
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