Behavior / OUT
Block Name: OUT

Code File Location: VisualSim/actor/lib/OUT

Block Overview

 o  Route Data Structures to other parts of the model that maybe in the same BDE window (Destination is local) or any part of the model (Destination is Global). 

 o  It connects blocks in a model without the use of wires or links. 

 o  It is used to accelerate the model execution by reducing the number of links and ports in a model.

 o  It is used in conjunction with the IN block.


The OUT block accepts Data Structures or token arriving on the input port and transmits it as a virtual connection to:

  o  'IN' and 'MUX' that match the Destination_Name.

  o  'NODE', Script block with the same name. 

There can be a single or multiple occurances of the same destination name.

View the Virtual Connection Example  Virtual Connection new in the BDE to understand the usage.

Parameter Explanation Type Example 
Destination_Name Destination_Name, either IN, MUX, NODE, or uEngine Blocks. 
The "Destination_Name" can be:
    * Parameter
    * String
    * Data structure field
    * Memory location
The Destination_Name can be a concatenation of any number of individual strings and parameters, separated by "+". 

So, the destination port can be SDRAM + Param1 + destination. Each value will be processed first as a parameter and then as a string. The values will be concatenated to a single string that will be used as the destination name. 
StringParameter -> Destination_Name = Paramter_Name
String-> Destination_Name = "dest"+"a"+"b"+"c"
DataStructure field -> Destination_Name -> input.FieldName or  string+input.FieldName => ("abc"+input.FeildName)
Variable_List -> Variable_Name
Destination_Type This specifies whether the Destination_Name is of type local or global.  Local is used when there can be multiple instances of the current window in a model.  Global is used when the connection is made to outside of this window or to a central location.   -Local

Port Explanation Type
Input This is a default input port. This port accepts Data Structures to send to destination connections. General