Full Library / Source / Event  / Initialize
Block Name: Initialize

Code File Location: VisualSim/actor/lib/INIT


This block can be used to generate a value at the start of a simulation at a zero delay. User can set an Initial Order, 0 being the lowest priority and higher values will fire before lower priority Initialize blocks. The Initial_Value field can accept a "Integer", "Long", "Double", "String" or "Boolean".  An Initialize block is used to execute a port of the model prior to any of the model is executed.  

User Model

This block can be used to setup simulation attributes such as memories and resources prior to the model using these variables.

Refer Initialize Demo Model.

    1.01, 1 Oct 2002

Parameter Explanation
Initial_Value This can be a number such as 1 and 1.1 or a Boolean such as "true" or "false" or a string such as "str".
Initial_Order This is the order of execution of all the INIT blocks in the model. The highest number executes first and then the second highest and so on.

Port Explanation
output The content of the Initial_Value parameter is placed on this port.