Architecture Challenges in Avionics Systems

Mar 09, 2023  |  Author : admin_mirabilis

What are the architecture challenges in avionics? There are a number of challenges that can arise in the architecture of avionics systems, including:1. Complexity: Avionics systems can be complex, with many different components and subsystems that need to be integrated and tested. This can make it difficult to design and build an architecture that is […]

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Designing Avionics Systems for Performance, Power and Optimize for Failure Analysis

Mar 09, 2023  |  Author : admin_mirabilis

We have developed a dynamic discrete-event systems engineering solution specifically designed for Avionics applications. This comprehensive Avionics solution models the hardware, software, network, and power subsystems, providing a holistic view of the entire avionics system. With this tool, architects and system designers can explore various topologies, configurations, connectivity options, software assignments, and hardware sizing, ensuring […]

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Effective and Lower-Cost Alternates to Virtual Prototypes and Instruction Set Simulators

Mar 09, 2023  |  Author : admin_mirabilis

Would you take this approach? I had a conversation this evening with a customer and an interesting topic came up. For early software development, especially for firmware, do you really need a Instruction Set Simulator? Could you use discrete-event simulation model with the code compiled to the x86 be sufficient? There are some advantages to […]

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Future of Electronic Design Continues to be Excel

Mar 09, 2023  |  Author : admin_mirabilis

Hundreds of companies have come along to replace Excel. There are Salesforce, Workday, and Mirabilis Design Inc. Each company has tried to nimble at one specific use-case of Excel. They have improved on the rudimentary features offered by Excel and customized it for a target application. For example, in the design of electronic systems, Excel […]

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